Principal's Weekly Message
Good afternoon Middle Creek High School families,
I hope everyone had a productive and enjoyable week and weekend thus far. Thank you to those of you that were able to join us for our Spring Meet the Teacher virtual event last Thursdsay. I hope this format provided you some flexibility, as it allowed for a bit of shorter night than our full Fall event. We will also have all staff back on-campus in a few weeks for our annual Curriculum Night, so you will have another opportunity for face time then as well!
As we head into the middle of February, below are some additional reminders and updates for your calendars. Thank you for your attention to these details.
Information & Reminders:
Upcoming Testing Dates:
WorkKeys Test:
Middle Creek High School will be administering the ACT WorkKeys exam to all seniors who are CTE concentrators on Tuesday, March 6th. A reminder that students will be participating in the ACT WorkKeys assessment in an online format and will need to bring their school-issued Chromebook for testing. Please see Mrs. Sumner in the media center if you need to borrow one or have any issues with the one you have now.
ACT Test:
Middle Creek High School will be administering the ACT to all Juniors on Tuesday, March 19th. A reminder that students will be participating in the ACT in an online format and will need to bring their school issued Chromebook for testing. Please see Mrs. Sumner in the media center if you need to borrow one have any issues with the one you have. We will be running on a modified bell schedule for all students that day to not disrupt testing and to ensure all students have lunch.
Curriculum Night:
We will be hosting Curriculum Night on February 22nd for all rising 9th-12th grade families, from 6-8pm. This is a time to learn more information about courses offered at Middle Creek and ask any questions. Rising ninth grade families will begin the evening with a general session meeting in the auditorium at 6pm, with rotating sessions to follow. Rising 10th-12th grade families will have the opportunity to freely stop in at any Core or Elective area. Athletics, PTSA, Stampede Club, Counselors etc will also be available. A flier is linked here for your convenience. We hope to see you there!
Seniors- Class of 2024:
Senior signs are back for a limited time!
Show your school pride and order a Middle Creek High School Class of 2024 sign for your senior. Personalized signs are $27 and non-personalized signs are $22. Order deadline is Feb. 14 and all orders will be delivered to the school for your student to pick up.
Order your class of 2024 senior sign now!
“Save the Date” Reminders for our senior families:
Junior/Senior Prom- April 27th 8pm.
Baccalaureate-June 8th
Graduation Rehearsal- June 11th 11:30-1:30
Graduation- June 13th 12:00pm.
Scholarship Information for Seniors
Seniors, please report scholarship information to Student Services as you receive scholarship offers from colleges. Any academic, arts, athletic, etc. scholarship offers can be reported, even if you aren’t going to attend the school. Please email scholarship information to Ms. Morris in Student Services at or stop by Student Services and we will make a copy of your offer letter. Last year’s senior class earned over $8 million dollars and we want to see if this year’s class can top that number! More information about searching for scholarships can be found at this link: Scholarship Searching - Where to Start
Below are some of the events scheduled for this week.
Tues, Feb. 13th: Women’s Basketball @ Green Level HS 5:30pm
JV/V Men’s Basketball @ Green Level HS 4:00/7:00
Wed, Feb. 14th: Spring Sports Tryouts Begin!
Thurs, Feb. 15th: Wrestling NCHSAA States
Fri, Feb. 16th: Wrestling NCHSAA States
M JV/V Basketball HOME vs. Panther Creek HS 4:00/7:00
V Women's Basketball HOME vs. Panther Creek HS 5:30
See you bright and early tomorrow!
Lacey Peckham, Principal