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Principal's Weekly Message

Good afternoon Middle Creek High School families, 

It was a great week here at The Creek!  Next week is a short one, before the Thanksgiving Holiday break.  Reminder that students will only have school on Monday and Tuesday. 


Below are a few calendar items and reminders. Thank you for your attention to these details. 

Information & Reminders:

Order a Yearbook & Contribute to the Book!

Below is a link to all the things you need to know about the 2023-2024 Middle Creek HS yearbook! In addition to purchasing information, there are opportunities for students to contribute photos and responses to different sections, and for seniors to submit cover designs!

Also, senior parents- In addition to ordering a yearbook, this is where you can purchase a senior highlight ad.  Visit the link below for all the details:

With any questions, please contact our advisor, Mr. Williams at


PTSA offers Lew Wilson Middle Creek High School keepsake art

The MCHS PTSA is again partnering with local artist Lew Wilson to offer Middle Creek High School keepsake ornaments and prints that can be customized with your student's graduation year. The PTSA will receive 20% of all orders as a donation from Lew Wilson Art. Orders have a one-week turnaround time and must be placed by Dec. 12 to be fulfilled in time for the holidays. Use this QR code to order.


Information from Student Services:

Freshman Parent Meeting on November 16

Thank you to all of the parents who were able to attend our meeting this week.  If you were unable to make it, please check out the slides and handouts at these links:

Slides Link

Handout Link



Below are some of the events scheduled for next week.             

Mon, Nov. 20th:        Swim Meet SRAC 6:00pm.

Tues, Nov. 21st:       Varsity Wrestling @ Millbrook 5pm.

                                  M JV/V Basketball HOME vs.  Sanderson HS 5:00/6:30

                                  V Women's Basketball @ Sanderson HS 5:30

I hope you have a wonderful weekend! 



Lacey Peckham, Principal