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May 31, 2024: More EOGs

Dear Hortons Creek Elementary Parents/Guardians,


Happy Friday Families! Thank you all for complying with our school-wide testing procedures. We will have 2 more days of EOG testing next week - Tuesday, June 4 and Wednesday, June 5. Same procedures will apply both days.


End-of-Grade Testing continues NEXT WEEK!

Please ensure your student(s) arrive at school on time and ready for testing (arrive no later than 8:40 AM)! 


Please tell your student(s) to do his/her very best on this test!


Tuesday, June 4 - Math 

Wednesday, June 5 - Science (grade 5 only)


PreK, ECS, K-2 Families on EOG testing days

Please ensure your student arrives at school no later than 9:10 AM on these testing days. The entire school building goes into testing mode, so front door commotion can be disruptive to the testing settings. Also, no early pick-ups until after 1 PM. Thank you!


From our PTA

Hortons Creek Families are once again invited to use GiftCrowd for End-of-Year Staff Gifts.  Let's send our teachers and HCE support staff a gift of appreciation for all of their hard work so far this year.


Please also consider contributing beyond your child's primary teacher this year.  We have included larger buckets for specialists, support staff, student support services, and admins/main office.  These "bucket" collections will be divided equally amongst the teachers/staff in each category.  We've also included a "discretionary" fund that will allow us to ensure equity in funds across the staff.


Just click on the link below, scroll down to find your teacher's name, click join, and complete the form to add your contribution.  Our teachers and staff have worked hard these past few months - we know anything will be greatly appreciated.


(Please note:  This is OPTIONAL.  Should you choose to give a gift on your own, that is absolutely okay!)


ALL GIFTS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY 10:00 PM, Tuesday, June 11!


How to Purchase the 23-24 Yearbook? 

Yearbooks will be given to students that purchased one on Wednesday, June 5 after EOG testing. If you haven’t purchased one already, you can use this link  to purchase our 23-24 Yearbook. You will have to sign up by completing the form through the TreeRing website before you can purchase a yearbook. If you have any questions, please reach out to Amanda Morton at  


From WCPSS - Simple volunteer renewal process opens July 1
Families who were approved to volunteer in the 2023-24 school year will receive an email on June 1 outlining the simple volunteer renewal process for the 2024-25 school year. Please renew your volunteer status during the renewal window, July 1-Oct. 1. Review details at


Policy 4316: Student Dress Code

**Please ensure shorts for all students are no shorter than mid-thigh**

Please click on the link above to familiarize yourself with the WCPSS Student Dress Code. As the weather begins to warm; we will hold students accountable for adhering to this dress code. Specifically, the yellow highlight below:

Students must wear clothing that covers their skin from chest to mid-thigh with opaque (non-see-through) fabric in front, back, and on the sides.

Please read, and reread this information. 



Families, students are bringing personal items to school that should be kept at home. Please review what’s in our Parent/Student Handbook below and ensure your student follows these procedures. Thanks!



Students should be prepared each day with paper, pencils and other school supplies.  Any money brought to school - lunch money, picture money and book money - should be in a sealed envelope with the child’s name and the teacher’s name on front. Students should not bring extra money to school.


Students may NOT bring toys or athletic equipment to school. The school is not responsible for lost or damaged personal items. Toys and trinkets like: 

Rubix cubes, keychains with toys attached, tech decks(mini skateboards), fidgets, spinners, putty/slime, figurines, toy cars, stuffed animals, journals, pens with items that are distracting, excessive accessories (hair accessories, headbands with distracting attachments), slap bracelets, bracelets with toys attached, pop-its, fans, beyblades, cards (Pokémon, baseball, playing cards, etc). 


Radios (headphones, air pods), and hand-held games or other such items are not allowed. 


Personal devices like computers/tablets, phones, watches must be in sleep mode and/or theater mode so that screens are off.  Phones/computers/tablets must be in backpacks at all times.

If items are made visible, they will be confiscated by the administration. Items will be released to parents/guardians only. To protect our building and furniture, chewing gum is not allowed 


EOG Summer Remediation/Readministration Program:

Students in grades 3-5 will take the End-of-Grade (EOG) State Tests at the end of this school year. Should your child meet the criteria for our EOG Remediation and Readministration program you will receive an invitation for your child to attend the program after the Reading and Math EOG testing has concluded (by June 6). For your planning purposes, the program dates for the end of the school year are Thursday, June 13 and Friday, June 14. Transportation will be provided, and breakfast and lunch will be available. A more detailed explanation of the program can be found here


Upcoming Events (Please note PTA events above):

  • Friday, May 31: EOY Celebrations for Kindergarten 

  • Monday, June 3: EOY Celebrations for First Grade 

  • Tuesday, June 4: MATH EOG (Grades 3-5)

  • Wednesday, June 5: SCIENCE EOG (Grade 5)

  • Thursday, June 6: EOY Celebrations for Second Grade 

  • Friday, June 7: EOY Celebrations for Fourth Grade

  • Monday, June 10: EOY Celebrations for Third Grade 

  • Tuesday, June 11: EOY Celebration for Fifth Grade Students ONLY

  • Wednesday, June 12: Last day of school; Grade 5 Moving up ceremony 9:45 AM

  • Thursday, June 13: EOG Summer Remediation/Readministration Program

  • Friday, June 14: EOG Summer Remediation/Readministration Program



From our Lead Secretary

Beginning July 1, 2024, SchoolCash Online (SCO) will be the district’s preferred online payment system, allowing parents to pay for student fees and all other items except Before/After School Care, Drivers Education, and game tickets. 


The new system will save time for teachers and staff when planning, processing, and handling payments. This system will replace Online School Payments (OSP). 


Please help our school get to 100% family registration and create your account now.


  1. Click Register

  2. Fill in your information to Create Your Profile

  3. Check for Confirmation Email: "SchoolCash Online: Confirm Your Email Address" and click the link to complete your registration. 

  4. Sign back in and begin to "Add Student"

    1. You can go to Step 2 and select "Hortons Creek ES-459" as your student's school. 

    2. Enter Student ID Number by unchecking the box "I don't have the student number". 

    3. Enter Student Last Name, and Date of Birth, then click "Confirm". 

    4. Confirm student information

    5. Add another student, view items for students or view my students. 


Should you have any questions, please email our bookkeeper/lead secretary Jessica Garcia,  Thank you! 


2024-2025 Kindergarten registration

Kindergarten registration is OPEN! For more information, click HERE.


2024-2025 PreK registration 

Families of children who will be 4 years old by Aug. 31, 2024 now can apply for Pre-K services for next school year. The Universal Application will allow families to submit one application to determine their eligibility for one of three different services: WCPSS Title I Pre-K, NC Pre-K, or Telamon Head Start. Deadline is June 16. Applications are not first come, first served. More information and resources are on WakeConnect


Student Attendance Policy 4400 R & P specifically Chronic Absenteeism

Just sending a reminder about school absences. In this regulation and procedures portion of the policy; it states “Any combination of excused and/or unexcused absences above 20 or 10% of school days are excessive.” PLEASE do all you can to ensure your student(s) are at school on time and ready to learn daily. To clarify, total absences include excused and unexcused absences. Having an absence excused doesn’t negate the fact that the student is not in class getting instruction. Students will still receive excessive absence letters.

Things to Note:

  1. Please connect to our school calendar on our webpage. All of our school events are listed on our school calendar located on our school’s website on the left side of the home page. 


Sandy Chambers, Ed. D. Principal