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April 30, 2023


Dear White Oak Families, 


Our newsletter has important information each week for the remainder of the school year. Thank you for taking the time to read it!


Quick Notes/Reminders:

  • Did you know that Volunteer Registration is now available from home? Go to the WCPSS website to begin the process. 



Teacher Appreciation Week - May 8-12


Mark your calendars to celebrate our amazing staff!! White Oak Elementary is so fortunate to have dedicated teachers that are committed to providing a fun, rigorous learning environment for students. Let's show them our appreciation!


Our supportive PTA has planned a special week.


We encourage you to review the Staff Favorites List and use this guide to plan your Teacher Appreciation Week





EOY Treats for Students & Staff


This year we are doing treats for ALL K-5 students for testing! K-2 students will get a treat for their EOY testing and 3-5 will get a snack & a treat for each day of EOGs. Please let me know if you have any questions -


If you buy from a warehouse or bigger supply store, please just put down how many you have (i.e. I bought a package of 36 goldfish bags = 4 packs of 9). If you have any questions, let me know. There are GREAT deals at the Warehouse stores (I checked Costco & BJs) and Walmart/Sams. 

Sign-Up to Donate Treats


**All donations should be dropped off in the STEAM room or office with a sticky note for MRS. O with the name you signed up with! Thank you!




Rising Kindergarten & 6th Grade News


Kindergarten Orientation

  • Thursday, May 25 - 6-7pm

We will host an information session for rising Kindergarten families. The topics will include daily instruction, specials, transportation, and lunch. You will also hear from Mrs. Swaim, Mr. Boynton, and our PTA regarding how to be involved in your child's education. There will be an opportunity to see classroom in person, as well as the specials classrooms, cafeteria and a school bus. Parents are encouraged to bring their rising Kindergarten students!


Please use this link to RSVP.



Mills Park Middle School - 6th Grade Parent Night

  • Monday, May 1 - 5:00-6:30pm (Last names A-L)
  • Tuesday, May 2 - 6:00-7:30pm (Last names M-Z)


Contact MPMS for more information -


Stories from the Specialists


STEAM with Ms. Overton


Kindergarten -- Students have been block coding the last few weeks and will begin working with plants and seeds soon. They will be comparing living and nonliving things. 

1st Grade -- We finished up learning how to use Google slides tools to create composite shapes. Now we are moving into plants and recognizing how plants and animals change as they grow.

2nd Grade -- We are working on learning about animals and how young plants and animals appear similar to and different from adult plants and animals. We will be using the milk cartons (WE DO NOT NEED MORE!) to create a home for an animal later this quarter. 

3rd Grade -- We finished up coding and started working on plants. Students learned what a Super Bloom is and how this year was one of the biggest ever in California. This will lead to learning about what plants need to survive and grow plants. 

4th Grade -- Students have been using Lego Robotics kits to build amusement park rides. This will lead to their end of year project building a ride using the engineering and design process.

5th Grade -- Students have been working with a collaborative group on creating a mini-putt putt course that relates to one of their science standards. 





Students in grades 3rd, 4th & 5th have just finished learning about jazz history and how it is connected to art.  We spent time discussing album art, listening to music by John Coltrane and The David Brubeck Quartet, while drawing our own art.  


Grades 1-2 have just finished Jazz Appreciation Month by reading "The Jazz Fly" by Matthew Gollub.  We also learned about Duke Ellington and about scat singing. (If your students have been singing no-nonsense words, you now know why!)


In Kindergarten, students have heard the stories "The Jazz Fly", "Rainbow Fish", and "The 3 Little Pigs"!



Positivity Project - Character Strength of the Week


The Positivity Project (P2) is a character education program (funded by our PTA) and dedicated to empowering America's youth to build positive relationships by seeing the good in themselves and others. We hope you enjoy using the character strengths vocabulary and have meaningful conversations at home that support your child's learning here at school.


This Week's Character Strength: OPEN-MINDEDNESS


PTA News & Updates



Spirit Night: Save the Date - May 16 - 5:00-9:00pm!

Join WOES PTA for the final Spirit Night of the year at Handel's Ice Cream! 


WOES PTA Website

Stay in the know: Visit the WOES PTA website to learn more about Spirit Wear, PTA events, and more!



Spirit Wear

Purchase your Spirit Wear and show your WOES spirit! 






Classroom Updates


Please make sure you check your child's class newsletter sent each week on Friday: 


1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade




Upcoming Dates


WCPSS Calendar


May 8 - 12

Teacher Appreciation Week!

Tuesday, May 9

Early Release @1:45

Friday, May 12

Interim Reports Sent Home

Tuesday, May 16

Spirit Night - Handel’s Homemade Ice Cream 

Thursday, May 25

Kindergarten Orientation 6-7pm

Monday, May 29

NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day

Wednesday, May 31

EOG Reading (3rd-5th)

Thursday, June 1

EOG Math (3rd-5th)

Friday, June 2

EOG Science (5th grade)





THANK YOU for all of your support! 


Robin Swaim, Principal

Kevin Boynton, Assistant Principal 

& all of the Explorer Staff 


Follow Us!


Facebook: @WhiteOakES

Twitter: @WhiteOakElem