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February 5, 2023


Dear White Oak Families, 


Have everyone had a great weekend! Students will be bringing home Report Cards this Friday for the 2nd Quarter. 


Quick Notes/Reminders:

  • Friday is the 100th day of school! This is a special day for our Kindergarten students as they can dress up like they are 100 years old! We encourage all students & staff to participate.  
  • This week is National School Counselor Week and we want to recognize Ms. Ruggieri & Ms. Jesinkey for their hard work and dedication to our school.
  • Kindergarten Registration is open for the 2023-2024 School Year. If your child will be 5 years old by August 31st, 2023, you can register for kindergarten for the 2023-2024 school year. Click HERE to go to the Wake County website to access the online application process. Please contact Anne Williams at if you have questions.



Calling all Future Scientists! SCIENCE FAIR 2023



We are excited to announce that our Science Fair returns in-person this March!

Students have started learning about this year's Science Fair in STEM and we hope that your child(ren) signup!


  • To learn more about the Science Fair:
  • Signup using the interest form at by February 17th. The Science Fair will take place at school on Thursday, March 23rd from 5:30-7pm or online using Flipgrid. Please choose one option!


We are looking forward to seeing all of this year's awesome projects! 



Stories from the Specialists



Physical Education with Coach Brady and Coach Hughes


We kicked the year off with a ball, a giant 4-foot tall Pink Omnikin Kin-Ball. This enormous ball really brings out the excitement in our students. Our younger student used it to play Asteroid, a game where they must save their planet by throwing foam balls at it to keep it from destroying their planet. This is a great game for getting all students engaged in practicing their throwing technique and accuracy. However, the activity the students probably love most is Train. In this activity, the kids are the train tracks and Coach Hughes and I roll the ball over the students. They then must quickly get up and run to the other end of the tracks to make sure we don’t run out of tracks for the train to travel on.


Our 3-5 grade students have started our Kin-Ball unit by playing the lead-up game Big Ball 4-Square. This game taught the students some of the essential skills for Kin-Ball. Kin-Ball is a sport created in Canada that involves three teams consisting of 4 players passing the ball to each other. Points are given to two of the teams when the third team drops the ball or commits a violation. Students are required to work together to catch the ball and then one person serves the ball to one of the other two defending teams. This is also a great game for teaching students about defense. We create defensive zones, so students quickly start to understand how to create a circle around the ball to defend it from dropping to the ground.


With the start of February, students will be starting to work on their jump roping skills. The upper grades will be doing a variety of skills that include single rope, partner jumping, and double dutch. The timing and full body coordination required to do most of these skills is great for helping students to develop better body control. Our younger students will be focused on developing good jumping and landing skills as they learn the skill of jumping rope. We discuss how regular exercise helps us to develop strong and healthy bodies.



Kids Heart Challenge



February is National Heart Month and our school will be participating in the American Heart Association’s Kids Heart Challenge (formerly known as Jump Rope for Heart). If you and your family would like to support the AHA in their efforts to promote heart healthy education and research you can get started today. White Oak Elementary will be running our Kids Heart Challenge from February 6-24. Our goal is to raise $5,000. We can do it!


Sign Up Today!

  1. Download the Kids Heart Challenge app or visit to register.
  2. Help your student choose a daily health challenge: MOVE MORE or BE KIND.
  3. Set a fundraising goal with your student and send emails to invite friends and family to support it.

Thank you and good luck!



PTA News & Updates


Reflections Competition

Congratulations to all WOES PTA Reflections 2022-23 participants!

Three WOES students have been selected at the Wake County Level and their entries have moved on to the State Level:


Smera Aditya 

Aashi Dullipalla

Navya Karki


We are so proud and wish these participants the best of luck as they move forward in the State Level Judging. Best wishes for selection for the next round of judgement at the National Level!


PTA Meeting

WOES PTA will hold a budget update meeting via Google Meet on February 8, 2023, 7:00-7:30pm.

Join the meeting using the link:  


Save the Date: Spirit Night!

The next Spirit Night will take place at Mellow Mushroom Cary on Thursday, February 23, 2023, 11:00am - 11:00 pm. 


WOES PTA Website

Stay in the know: Visit the WOES PTA website to learn more about Spirit Wear, PTA events, and more!



Spirit Wear

Purchase your Spirit Wear and show your WOES spirit! 






Positivity Project - Character Strength of the Week


The Positivity Project (P2) is a character education program (funded by our PTA) and dedicated to empowering America's youth to build positive relationships by seeing the good in themselves and others. We hope you enjoy using the character strengths vocabulary and have meaningful conversations at home that support your child's learning here at school.


This Week's Character Strength: PURPOSE



Classroom Updates


Please make sure you check your child's class newsletter sent each week on Friday: 


1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade




Upcoming Dates


WCPSS Calendar


2/6 - 2/10

National School Counselor Week

Wednesday, 2/8

PTA Budget Meeting 7pm

Friday, 2/10

100th Day of School

Report Cards Go Home

2/13 - 2/17

National Bus Driver Appreciation Week

Monday, 2/20


President's Day

Thursday, 2/23

PTA Spirit Night

Mellow Mushroom

Friday, March 3

Interim Reports Go Home





THANK YOU for all of your support! 


Robin Swaim, Principal

Kevin Boynton, Assistant Principal 

& all of the Explorer Staff 


Follow Us!


Facebook: @WhiteOakES

Twitter: @WhiteOakElem