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November 13, 2022


Dear White Oak Families, 

We are looking forward to a five-day week! Thank you to everyone that helped to organize our Veteran's Day Assembly last Thursday, including Mrs. Schreiner and our PTA volunteers. It was very special to acknowledge veterans from our school community. 


We would like to draw your attention to the information about the Thanksgiving Sign-Up in the PTA section. Our wonderful PTA, with your generosity and support, has organized a feast for the staff the day before the Thanksgiving break. Please read below if you would like to contribute!



White Oak Marathon Final Week!


Hello Fellow Marathoners,


We are in the final days of our First White Oak Family Marathon. I hope you have enjoyed getting out and being active as a family. It has been fun to see all the students out running on the track on our morning runs. Thank you to all the parents who came out to help over the past 6 weeks.


The final mile of our marathon will be run at school on Friday, November 18 at 2:00. The mile run course will wrap all around the school with teachers and students lining the running course to cheer them on.


Students should wear their marathon t-shirts and something comfortable to run in on Friday. We look forward to seeing all of our student athletes give their best this week during the final mile of the marathon. Parents are welcome to come cheer their kids on or run with them. (Please be sure to sign in at the front office before coming out to the course.)


Thank you, Sean Brady



Notes for 3rd Grade Parents


Music Performance

We will be performing a mini-concert on Thursday, December 8 at 6:15pm as part of the Book Fair Family Night & Family Cultural Fair! For more information visit Mrs. Schreiner's website. We hope you can join us!


AIG Identification Process

All 3rd graders took the CogAT Assessment.  In mid-December, students that scored 95% or higher will take the IOWA Assessment.  Parents will be notified with a letter if their child will be taking the IOWA assessment.  We are still waiting to receive CogAT scores.  In the meantime, Mrs. Wiltse has been pulling small groups of students to work on Reading and Math enrichment assignments.  Students enjoy coming to the AIG room to interact with students from other classes.  Just a reminder that 3rd grade students do not get identified until all the data is complete.  Our Explorer's work will continue for awhile!  



Stories from the Specialists


AIG with Mrs. Joyce


4th Grade


  • Math:  We have worked on multi-step problem-solving challenges with addition and subtraction, multiplicative comparisons, and area and perimeter.   This week and next week, the students are designing and building a new set of wings for a bat, measuring the distance the bat travels after 5 flights, and then analyzing their data.
  • Reading: The students have completed drafts of their Habits of the Mind posters, and they are now publishing the poster.  The posters included a description of the Habit, a simile, a logo or symbol, a slogan, a paragraph about the relationship to adaptation, and a 3D model of the Habit.  All of the groups will be presenting their posters and the posters will hang in the front of the classroom for all classes to view!



5th Grade


  • Math:  The students have continued exploring how data collection can be used.   Students are now creating and publishing a data collection game that involves multi-digit multiplication and/or division.  They are super fun!
  • Reading: We continue our study of the theme of transformation in connection to short stories in Strange Happenings by Avi.  Students have completed reading the short story, writing high-level responses to their reading, and doing vocabulary activities with the short story.  We will be working on a creative writing piece next!



PTA News & Updates


Thanksgiving Sign-Up for WOES Staff and Teachers

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and what better way to say thanks than to pamper the teachers and staff with a feast! The PTA is donating a Thanksgiving feast to all, but we would love to receive supply needs such as plastic ware, drinks to stock the refrigerators, as well as pie and sweets donations. See the full list here by using the QR code (below) or this link to sign-up. thanksgiving .png


WOES PTA Website

Stay in the know: Visit the WOES PTA website to learn more about Spirit Wear, PTA events, and more!




Spirit Wear

Purchase your Spirit Wear and show your WOES spirit! 

As the weather gets cooler, a WOES sweatshirt would be a great way to show your school spirit! There are many styles of t-shirts available and more!  





Spirit Night

Save the Date: Our next Spirit Night will be December 13, 2022 at Mirchi's! More information is coming soon! 



Positivity Project - Character Strength of the Week


The Positivity Project (P2) is a character education program dedicated to empowering America's youth to build positive relationships by seeing the good in themselves and others. We hope you enjoy using the character strengths vocabulary and have meaningful conversations at home that support your child's learning here at school.


This Week's Character Strength: GRATITUDE


Classroom Updates


Please make sure you check your child's class newsletter sent each week on Friday: 


1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade




Upcoming Dates


WCPSS Calendar


Friday, 11/18

Report Cards Sent Home

11/23 - 11/25

No School - Thanksgiving Break

12/5 - 12/9

Book Fair

Monday, 12/5

Early Release at 1:45

Instructional Assistant Appreciation Day

Thursday, 12/8

Family Night at the Book Fair & Family Cultural Fair

Tuesday, 12/13

PTA Spirit Night - Mirchi's 

Friday, 12/16

Interim Reports Go Home

Wednesday, 12/21

Early Release at 1:45





THANK YOU for all of your support! 


Robin Swaim, Principal

Kevin Boynton, Assistant Principal 

& all of the Explorer Staff 


Follow Us!


Facebook: @WhiteOakES

Twitter: @WhiteOakElem