Farmington Woods After School Program
The After-School Program operates from the end of the regular school day until 6:00 p.m. Monday-Friday. Only children attending Farmington Woods IB/PYP Elementary in the 24-25 school year may enroll in the program.
A daily snack is provided for the students. Parents must come to the cafeteria door with a photo ID to sign out their child each day. In addition to late pick-up fees, students may be removed from the program for excessive late pick-ups.
The program will be staffed with FWES staff and follow all WCPSS guidelines regarding student and staff health and safety.
Inclement Weather:
If school closes early due to inclement weather, the After-School Program will not operate. Parents will indicate on the After School Application how students should be dismissed if school closes early.The FWES After School Program for 24-25 has reached capacity to maintain required adult-student ratios.
2024-25 FWES After School Wait list Line Up- Please use this link to be added to the wait list
Family Documents for Review Only- print for your personal records if desired
After School Parent Information - English and Espanol
WCPSS Before/After Childcare Behavior Management Procedures - English- Espanol
WCPSS Traditional Calendar After School Payment Due Dates
WCPSS Weekly Rate (M-F) After School Fee Schedule
WCPSS Daily Rate After School Fee Schedule
After-School Parent Forms (English)- must complete all forms for EACH student for registration:
- Student Application
- Certification of Accident Insurance
- $15 Registration Fee required with the document above (check or money order ONLY)
- First payment is due August 27- Families who want to submit both Registration Fee ($15) and 1st Payment ($108.17) should pay $123.17
Formularios para Padres Después de la Escuela (Inglés): debe completar todos los formularios PARA CADA estudiante para la inscripción:
- Solicitud del Estudiante
- Certificación de Seguro de Accidentes
- Se requiere una tarifa de inscripción de $15 con el documento anterior (cheque o giro postal ÚNICAMENTE).
- El primer pago vence el 27 de agosto. Las familias que deseen enviar tanto la tarifa de inscripción ($15) como el primer pago ($108.17) deben pagar $123.17.