Title 1 Information
Poe GT/AIG Basics Magnet Elementary School receives federal funds for Title I programs. Please review the information below and provide feedback on the form linked in the last bullet.
- Presentation slides: Annual Title One Meeting Presentation- English & Spanish
- Letter to Families: Title I Parent Letter 23-34 Spanish Form Title I Parent Letter 23-24 English Form
- Family Engagement Policy: Poe Title I Family Engagement Policy 2023-2024 Póliza de participación familiar del Título 1
- Home-Family Compact: Poe Magnet Elementary School Title I Parent Compact for 23-24 Pacto entre el hogar y la escuela Poe
- School Report Card: NC School Report Cards
- Parent Feedback form: Family Engagement Policy Comments English Spanish Family Engagement Policy Comments
The Title I program in Wake County provides supplementary instructional support in the areas of reading and math. Schools qualify for Title I funding by demonstrating economic need among its population.
Once a school has qualified for the Title I program, services may be provided to any child in grades Pre-K through fifth grade who meets the school’s criteria for eligibility. Intervention teachers reinforce classroom teacher instruction, which must be coordinated through careful joint planning.
A pre-kindergarten program has been designed to serve eligible four-year-old children. The focus is on developmentally appropriate activities for children who qualify. Developmental activities emphasize social skills and learning through exploration and discovery.
The ultimate goal of the Title I Program is to aid students in acquiring habits, attitudes, knowledge, and skills necessary to function as successful members of the school community. Title I is a federally funded program.