• What is SMART Lunch?

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    Students Maximizing Achievement with Resources and Time: a restructuring of the daily bell schedule where students can study, complete makeup work, receive tutoring help and explore additional academic interests. Its purpose is to provide opportunities for students to enrich their learning experiences and/or receive additional academic help and support during the school day! Students will also be able to participate in clubs and an intramural program without having to worry about their interests conflicting with after-school responsibilities or the lack of transportation.

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  • How will SMART Lunch work?

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    All students will have a full hour in which to eat and participate in the various scheduled academic and extra-curricular activities. Students with last name of A-L will eat lunch during the first 30 minutes of lunch also known as A Lunch. Students with last name of M-Z will eat lunch during the second 30 minutes of lunch also known as B Lunch. Only Juniors and Seniors with off campus lunch privileges may leave campus for part of the hour or the full hour.

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  • Not everyone will fit in the cafeteria, where can I eat my lunch?

    Posted by:

    Students will be allowed to eat lunch in the following locations: teacher’s classrooms with permission, outside eating areas, and lobbies of the 2000 building. The most important part of determining where students will be allowed to eat is the continued cleanliness of our campus. It will be students’ responsibilities to leave their eating areas clean! We will also have a mobile lunch line in the 1st floor lobby of the 2000 building where students will be able to purchase their lunch.

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  • What else can I do during SMART Lunch besides eat lunch?

    Posted by:

    Each department has a tutoring schedule that will be posted around campus and will also be available on the Cary High website.

    *Students may go to the Media Center for quiet study and research time.
    *The 1027 Computer Lab will be open for students to use for academic purposes.
    *The PE department will be posting sign-ups for an intramural program with rotating activities.
    *Various clubs will be meeting during SMART Lunch so listen to the announcements.

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  • Do I have to stay in one place for the entire hour?

    Posted by:

    NO! You may move around campus and participate in tutoring or other activities as you see fit. You may not go onto the athletic fields, the teacher or senior parking lots, or off-campus if you do not have an off-campus pass. If you are in the buildings, you must be in either the hallway lobbies or in a teacher’s classroom. The basic rule of thumb is if an adult is not visible, you should probably not be there.

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