Need to let the school know your student is absent?
Please provide in writing the reason for and the dates of the absence(s).
This can be done via email to our Data Manager, Pam Morrison at or by sending in a written note when the student returns. Students can turn in notes in the main office or give them to their core teachers.
Attendance policy: WCPSS Board Policy 6000
4:00 PM Volleyball game @ East Millbrook
4:00 PM Football game @ East Millbrook
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Fall Culinary Club Meeting
4:00 PM Girl's Soccer game V Pine Hollow
4:00 PM Volleyball game V Pine Hollow
4:00 PM Football game V. Pine Hollow
4:00 PM Girl's Soccer game @ Carroll
4:00 PM Volleyball game @ Carroll
4:00 PM Football game @ Carroll
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM StuCo General Session
4:00 PM Girl's Soccer game V Leesville
4:00 PM Volleyball game V Leesville
4:00 PM Football game V. Leesville
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