Weekly Update 1/10/25
Posted by Michele Tempke on 1/10/2025 9:50:00 AM
Reminder: Early Release Today 12 noon
Stay safe and warm this weekend! There will be no afterschool activities held today.
Report Cards
Quarter 2 report cards are being sent home on Tuesday, Jan. 14th. Please review your child’s progress, sign, and return the envelope. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s report card, please contact your child’s teacher.
Magnet Applications for Rising Middle School & Kindergarten Students
For fifth-grade families, if you would like your child to attend a Magnet Middle School, you must apply to the school of your choice. The deadline for magnet school applications is Jan. 23rd.
Rising Kindergarten students must be registered at their base school. If you wish to send your rising Kindergartner to a Magnet Elementary School, the magnet application must be completed by Jan. 23rd.
Staffing Updates: Welcome Substitutes
Music Special -Teresa Myers - Ms. Myers will substitute in music class for Ms. Neely’s maternity leave, which will begin on Monday. Ms. Neely will return in the fourth quarter.
Library Special - Wendy Ellison - Ms. Ellison will be the substitute in the library for Ms. Linehan’s maternity leave, which begins as early as the end of next week. Ms. Linehan will return in the 2025-2026 school year.
CCR Services - Syndey Dunlap - Ms. Dunlap will substitute for Ms. Peat-Edjang to provide Special Education services for K-2 students until the end of the school year. She is a retired, licensed special education teacher. Ms. Peat-Edjang is relocating to another state for her husband’s employment. She will be missed.
Calendar of Events
Jan. 17th - Senior Partner Coffee Chat 8:30 am
Jan. 20th - No School - Martin Luther King Jr Holiday
Jan. 23rd - Magnet Application Deadline
Feb. 17th - No School - Teacher Work Day