Weekly Update 12/20/24
Posted by Michele Tempke on 12/20/2024 9:00:00 AM
Winter Break
We wish you a relaxing and safe Winter break. Students return to school on Jan. 7th, 2025. Please encourage your child to read daily during their time off and/or you to read to them. Reading is so essential. Review the following article for 13 reasons to promote more reading: readingarticle
PTA Thank you!
We greatly appreciate our strong and mighty PTA. Thank you for fulfilling staff wish lists and sending us off to break with a delicious breakfast!
Magnet Applications for Rising Middle School & Kindergarten Students
For fifth-grade families, if you would like your child to attend a Magnet Middle School, you must apply to the school of your choice. The deadline for magnet school applications is Jan. 23rd.
Rising Kindergarten students must be registered at their base school. If you wish to send your rising Kindergartener to a Magnet Elementary School, the magnet application must be completed by Jan. 23rd.
Calendar of Events
Dec. 23rd - Jan. 6th - Winter Break
Jan. 7th - Students return to school
Jan. 17th - Senior Partner Coffee Chat 8:30 am
Jan. 23rd - Magnet Application Deadline