Weekly Update 12/1/24

Posted by Michele Tempke on 12/12/2024 1:50:00 PM

Giving Tree

Thank you to the staff, parents, and Hayes Barton Baptist Church for purchasing items for our families so they can have a great holiday. We appreciate your generosity and are grateful for your contributions.


School Assignments for 2025-2026

Please be on the lookout for information about your child’s 2025-2026 school assignment. Your child’s teacher will send them home on Monday. If you are satisfied with the school assignment, no action is required. Please note that this does not reflect Magnet assignments. If you have submitted a Magnet application, results will be emailed to you and indicated in your PowerSchool accounts posted on February 21st. 


Magnet Applications for Rising Middle School & Kindergarten Students

For fifth-grade families, if you would like your child to attend a Magnet Middle School, you must apply to the school of your choice. The deadline for magnet school applications is Jan. 23rd. 


Rising Kindergarten students must be registered at their base school. If you wish to send your rising Kindergartener to a Magnet Elementary School, the magnet application must be completed by Jan. 23rd.


Welcome to Celia Furlow

Please welcome Ms. Furlow, the new third-grade teacher who will replace Ms. Livermore. She will begin in her new role in January. The parents of this class will have a Meet the Teacher on 12/19 from 3:30 to 4:30 pm. We feel very fortunate to have found Ms. Furlow.


Calendar of Events

Dec. 17th - Evening Magnet Tour 5:30-6:30 pm

Dec. 18th - PTA Board Mtg. 5:00 pm

Dec. 19th - 5th-grade chorus sings Mellow Mushroom at 11:45 am 

Dec. 23rd - Jan. 6th - Winter Break

Jan. 7th - Students return to school 

Jan. 23rd - Magnet Application Deadline