Weekly Update 11/15/25
Posted by Michele Tempke on 11/15/2024 11:00:00 AM
Now Available: New PME Sweatshirt Designs
Please open the link to view the new sweatshirt designs. Orders will be ready in just enough time to give a great holiday gift. Orders must be placed directly through Progressive Graphics and will be accepted through Dec. 5th. Items are expected to be delivered by Dec 17th.ProgressiveGraphicsOrderLink
Magnet Applications for Middle School & Kindergarten
Fifth-grade families, if you have a rising 6th grader and are planning for them to attend their base school, you will need to do nothing. However, if you would like your child to attend a Magnet Middle School, you must apply to the school of your choice. The application period for Early College is Dec 12th. For all other magnet school applications, the deadline to apply is Jan 23rd.
Rising Kindergarten students need to be registered at their base school. If you wish to send your rising Kindergarten child to a Magnet Elementary School, the magnet application must be completed by Jan. 23rd.
WNC FUNraiser
PME raised over $1700 to help WNC families at Hendersonville Elementary. On Tues., the top five teachers who received the most money ran in the inflatable race. They were Ms. Livermore, Mr. McEwen, Ms. Skalski, Ms. Moore, and Ms. Alzaben. As a school community, we had a great time watching them complete the obstacle course. Thank you for your contribution to making this service project a success.
Camp Options - Please Help
We love our track-out… but know that finding camps for track-out can be challenging!
PME would like to provide a resource for our families to promote camps their children have had positive experiences attending. Please use the Google form below to enter the camps you would like to recommend. The information will be compiled and distributed to all families as we get near track-out. Thank you for helping our community! Camp Recommendation Form Link
Reindeer Romp
Support Girls on the Run and cheer on or participate in the Reindeer Romp 5 K on Dec 7th. Please see the details: Reindeer Romp Info
Calendar of Events
Nov 27th- Nov 29th Thanksgiving Holiday