Weekly Update 5/17/24

Posted by Michele Tempke on 5/17/2024 8:50:00 AM

End of Year Coffee Chat: Senior Partners May 20th

Please stop in to chat and have a coffee with the Senior Partners from 8:30 to 9:00 am on Monday, May 20th, to share thoughts or ask questions. We will meet at the picnic tables on the Hinsdale side of the building (playground area). In case of rain, we will meet in the multi-purpose room. We hope you can stop by. 

Talent Show

Please join us on Tuesday, May 21st, for the PME annual Talent Show at Fletcher Park from 9:00 to 10:45 am. 

Medication Pick-Up

Please remember to pick up any medication your child has at school. An adult must pick up medications. Any medication remaining ten days after the last day of school will be disposed of.


A limited quantity of yearbooks are available for purchase. If you want your child to buy one, please send in cash or a check payable to the Partnership PTA for $15. 

Strawbridge Pictures

Individual pictures were sent home on May 6th. 132 students have not returned or paid for them. Please return the pictures or send payment as soon as possible. This is a fundraiser for PME. 

Panorama Survey Update: 151 Family Responses Panorama Survey 

We exceeded our goal due to your efforts! Thank you for making PME a great place!

Calendar of Events

May 20th - Coffee Chat with Senior Partners 8:30–9:00 am

May 21st - Talent Show

May 23rd - Last Day of School/Report Cards 

Planning for the 2024-2025 School Year

2024-2025 Modified School Calendar 

Important Dates

July 18th - Meet the Teacher Grades 1-5 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

July 22nd - First Day of School Grades 1-5

  July 22nd-24th - Kindergarten Staggered Entry

 July 26th - Kindergarten Meet the Teacher 9:00–10:00 am

 July 29th - First Day of School for Kindergarteners