Ms. Aman's April 16 Family Message

Posted by Kelly Aman on 4/16/2023 7:00:00 AM




Para ver este mensaje en español, haga clic aquí


School is closed on Friday for students.  It is a teacher workday and faculty will be in professional learning on Friday.  Friday is also EID, a Muslim holiday marking the end of Ramadan. 



Report cards for Q3 were sent home on Friday. 



Congratulations to the Wildcat Band who placed 2nd at Music in the Parks on Saturday, earning a score of Excellent! 



NC Check-Ins for Science 8 and Math 7/7+ will be administered this week.  Check-Ins are required benchmarks that will let teachers know how well students have mastered the content and the areas they need to review.  Check-Ins provide teachers, students and families with projections on how well students will perform on the EOG. 



Volunteer News!  Volunteer registration can now be completed offsite.  Log in to to register as a volunteer. We hope this change makes it easier for parents to register to volunteer! 



Year 3 Community Project News:  Parents of year 3 students in  the Be IB class of Youth, Nay, Stone, Palmer, Stewart, Baker-Nicholas, Mr. Miller- Your child has been working hard since January on their Community Project. This handout on blue paper went home with students and you should have received a Talking Points message from their Be IB teacher as well; please make sure to read and RSVP with regrets only. 




Athletic Information:  Is your child interested in participating in Fall sports? Take advantage of a $10 physical provided by EmergeOrtho on May 18, 2023- no appointment required. Click here for more information




Year 3 Student Athletes heading to Sanderson next year will want to mark their calendars for May 25.   Sanderson Info 



Year 3 Band Members heading to Millbrook next year  - Are you interested in joining the 2023 Millbrook Marching Band? If so, join Band Director Payne and some of their student leaders Monday 4/17 at 5:30pm in the Millbrook Cafeteria to find out information on how to sign up!




Student Academic Celebrations have been rescheduled due to inclement weather last Friday.  We look forward to recognizing our students for Q3 success. 



WCPSS has launched a Panorama Survey for families.  Please access the survey at  here or at]



Around the ‘brook this week:

Monday                    Softball v Wake Forest @ Baileywick Park

                               Baseball @ N. Garner

Tuesday                   Track @ Leesville

Wednesday              Soccer @ Leesville

Thursday                 Softball v East Millbrook @ Baileywick Park



From the Wildcat PTA


Make plans now with friends to enjoy a cool treat and support WMMMS PTA! Weather looks sunny and in the 70’s!

Two Roosters
7713 Lead Mine Road / Greystone Village
Tuesday, April 18





The planning for the 8th Grade Celebrations (Year 3) are finalized! We will need lots of help to implement what will sure to be an amazing memory for our 8th graders! Please check out the SignUpGenius for several different ways to help with the Dance (6/2) or the Picnic (6/8)!