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RCMMS Eagle News for 6/9/24


Upcoming Dates

  • June 10: 7th Grade Field Day
  • June 11: 6th Grade Field Day
  • June 12: 8th Grade Recognition Ceremony 8:30 AM
  • June 12: Last Day of School 


8th Grade Recognition Ceremony

  • June 12th at 8:30 am– all students will receive a certificate.  Some students will receive other awards for academics, sports, and extracurricular activities.
  • Please park in the staff parking lot (lot between our school and the elementary school).
  • Doors will open at 7:45.
  • Families should follow signs near the carpool pool to enter the gym directly for seating.
  • If you have a 6th or 7th grade student attending the ceremony, please have them stay with your family, they will report to class following the event. 
  • 8th graders already received permission forms to leave directly following the ceremony.


RCMMS EOG Results & Retest Information


While official score reports will be available in Powerschool later this month, we sent home preliminary results Friday with students. (Be on the lookout for a pink report.)


If your child scored below a level 3 (Not Proficient) on at least one assessment, we will continue to provide your child with daily instruction focused on helping them reach proficiency on a retest.  A remediation and readministration opportunity is provided to eligible students during our readministration dates. (Only students who are currently passing the class are offered a retest opportunity. Also, 8th grade students can only retake 2 tests.)


Information on signing up for remediation and retesting can be found here.


If your child was invited, please confirm your child’s participation in this program online at: