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Eagle News for 10/27/23


Quarter Ends on Tuesday, October 31, 2023


No School on Wednesday, November 1st -- Teacher Workday


Winter Sports Meeting  -- Thursday, November 2 

5:00 pm - 5:45 pm in auditorium

Girls & Boys Basketball

Basketball Cheerleading 

All interested Athletes should attend with a parent or guardian.

RCMMS Athletics Website (Click on Registration to complete/upload registration forms.)


Food Drive

The RCMMS Family Engagement Committee will be sponsoring a schoolwide collection of food items from October 16th-November 9th. This has been such a great success in the past, so we want to continue our goal of collectively working together to support our students and families. Each grade-level first-period class that brings in the most canned items will have a DONUT CELEBRATION! We ask that there be NO expired donations. Suggested items: unexpired canned items, macaroni, spaghetti, dressing, etc. If anyone is willing to donate a turkey, that would be fantastic! See our Fall Donation Drive flyer.


Credit By Demonstrated Mastery

Under the WCPSS Credit by Demonstrated Mastery program, qualified students can undergo testing to demonstrate subject mastery and earn high school credit for specific courses. Please visit the WCPSS Credit by Demonstrated Mastery website for more information or reach out to RCMMS's CDM coordinator, Kelly McIlhargey, at The application window is open from Oct 16, 2023-December 15, 2023.


Vote for Reedy Creek!

Thanks to your votes, Reedy Creek is one of only 5 nominees for Best Middle School in the WRAL Voters Choice Awards!  Way to go! Now we have to vote to be the winner. Visit this link to vote for Reedy Creek and grab the win.



Reedy Creek Tours

Do you know anyone considering attending Reedy Creek next year? Please encourage them to sign up for a tour. Tours for prospective families will be held until January. Register on our website.


Drama Club Interest Meeting

Drama club interest meeting on Thursday, November 9th @7:45AM. Students will receive a permission slip and Mrs. Dorsey will be discussing expectations. All permission slips will be due back to Mrs. Dorsey by Thursday, November 16th and we will meet that same morning @7:45AM.

Highlights from the PTA

The RCMMS No Fuss Fundraiser goal for this year is $19,600 in order to fund everything that the PTA has planned! This fundraiser is a simple way to raise money with no selling, sign ups or hassle! If every student's family and each of our staff members donated $25 this year, we would surpass our funding goals! Thanks to the generosity of the RCMMS community, we have already raised over 25% of our goal!! Please consider supporting all the programs that the PTA helps to provide for our staff and students! Visit our fundraising page to donate and remember that donations of $50 or more receive a thank you gift!

The November Tech "Thursday" will be held on Wednesday, 11/1, during the Teacher Workday and we need donations to provide our teachers with snacks during this training time! Please sign up to donate and drop off your items by Tuesday, 10/31, in the front office.

Read the full Week at the Creek newsletter.


Grade Level Weekly Newsletters:  

6th Grade       

7th Grade       

8th Grade        


PTA Newsletter