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WECHS Principal's Weekly Message 3/24/2023

Happy Friday! 


I hope everyone had a restful spring break and is ready for a busy final quarter of the year. We have five weeks until college finals and a little over seven weeks until high school finals. Stay focused!

The calendar is wild over the next few weeks; note these upcoming dates: 

Today, Friday, March 24: WECHS Early Release, WTCC Regular Schedule

Friday, March 31: WECHS Workday, WTCC Regular Schedule; (WCPSS will not provide Bus transportation to the north, bus riders should make alternate arrangements)

April 3-6: Express Bus Routes (Traditional Spring Break)

Thursday, April 6: WECHS Early Release, WTCC has a teacher workday

Friday, April 7: WECHS and WTCC Holiday

Friday, April 21: WECHS Workday, WTCC Regular Schedule; WCPSS will not provide Bus transportation to the north; bus riders should make alternate arrangements)

Tuesday, May 9: WECHS Early Release (WTCC North classes and finals concluded)

(this was not on our calendar earlier)


May 2: Wake Tech Final Exams Begin 

May 17: WECHS High School Final Exams Begin

Our Honors Biology students will take a field trip to Biogen’s Community Lab during the next two weeks. They will participate in a hands-on lab: The Genetics of Hemophilia- When a Band-Aid Won't Stop the Bleeding: A case study of hemophilia (DNA restriction analysis, gel electrophoresis, and pedigree analysis). The students must bring a bagged lunch or order a school lunch in advance. We are thrilled to have this opportunity and look forward to their participation.


Yearbook Information:

Time is running out to order your 2022-23 WECHS Yearbook! There are only 20 books left - be sure to pre-order today to get all the "Behind the Scenes" news and photos from this year. The price is now $55.00

Contact Ms. Wernersbach with questions at!

Here's the link to order a WECHS yearbook.



Enloe Band social event next week. Each year to help with marching band recruitment, we host a pizza party for students and parents before announcing our competitive program and season schedule. We invite the WECHS students to attend the party and join the marching band! The pizza party is Thursday, March 30, at 6:00 pm. There is no cost to students or parents to attend the event. Students just need to fill out the order form below so that we can plan accordingly.

Pizza Night Menu Selection


Casey D'Sola, Percussionist | Educator | Composer,




School Lunch:

March Lunch Menu

April Lunch Menu


North Campus Students will sign up for lunch by 8:30 am each morning on a Google doc or in the front office:  North Lunch Sign Up Form.


WECHS PTSA needs you!

We currently have officer vacancies on the PTSA board and seek parents to volunteer. Please email


No Fuss Fundraiser – Just Donate! Now at,


Support the PTSA with every grocery trip.  Link your Harris Teeter VIC card to use school code 6211:


The PTSA Carpool link might need updating if you entered information previously. 

 PTSA at WECHS!    WECHS Spirit Wear Purchase Online 

Student Services Updates:    


Our website has links to helpful resources.


11th, 12th, and 13th graders Apply to work as an NC Governor’s Page for four days.  Read more about this opportunity and how to apply here:



Other Summer Opportunities.

Other summer opportunities are on the horizon. Check out this list on the CFNC website.


Chowan University: Campapalooza  Check out this flyer and QR code for more information:  AcademicSummerCampPosterQRCode.jpg  The link to get more specific information is here:


William Peace University Summer Camps:  Summer Camps 2023 | William Peace University


NCSU summer camps: Residential Summer Programs for High School Students | College of Engineering (Due April 2)


UNC Asheville: Pre-Med - Camp


As more information comes out about summer opportunities, we will make that available. Make your summer memorable while building your resume!


Class of 2023


Class of 2023 Families:

If you would like your graduate featured on the WECHS Graduate Spotlights on social media, please email Robin McAlexander at Include a photo and a brief bio with the student's plans, if known.

A graduation fee of $30 is due by April 1 for everyone graduating.


Mark your calendars: WECHS Class of 2023 Commencement ceremony is scheduled for Wednesday, May 24th, at 7 pm. Graduation practice (mandatory) is Tuesday, May 23rd, at 1:30 pm.


The deadline for ordering your students' WECHS cap and gown has passed.  If you have not ordered your cap and gown please do so as soon as possible to ensure delivery before our graduation date!  


Students can wear the WECHS or WTCC cap and gown to WECHS graduation. Please use this link to purchase the WECHS cap/gown and other graduation items. 


Students participating in the WTCC graduation and the WECHS graduation and plan to use the WTCC Cap/gown still need to purchase the stole, diploma cover, and tassel separately for the WECHS Graduation if they are not buying the WECHS Cap/gown by going to



Wake Tech Fall 2023 Advising and Course Selection

During the week of 3/20, all students returning for the fall will have met for group advising with Ms. Graham during their HS Seminar class.  Parents are also encouraged to set a meeting with Ms. Graham to discuss student pathways and progress.


During the week of 3/27, students will meet virtually with Wake Tech advisors to discuss their classes for the fall semester.  Parents are welcome to attend these sessions.  Email Ms. Graham to schedule an appointment or for more information.


Financial Aid for College:  If you have questions like: “How do I follow up with colleges about financial aid?”  “Help! I need help understanding the financial aid package I received.”  Ms. Mayo, our financial aid counselor, is here on Mondays to help.  Please contact Ms. Hennings to schedule an appointment with Ms. Mayo.  


Scholarships: It is not too early to apply for scholarships.  Please check out our scholarship page, many search engines, and scholarship bulletin.  


Class of 2023 Quicklink access sheet


Class of 2023 Planning Guide



To join the Student Services Remind for your class, text 81010 with the corresponding message: 9th: @2022wechs, 10th: @2021wechs, 11th: @2020wechs, 12th: @19wechs, 13th: @2018wechs


Counselor Contact Information: (updated from last year)

Ms. Lachance (Last name A-L),, 919-212-5800 ext. 26054


Mr. Muse (Last name M-Z),, 

919-212-5800 ext. 26058

Career Development Corner


Please join Ms. Hill’s Career Development Corner (CDC) Remind. Messages are sent regarding volunteer opportunities and various career/college events. You can also find valuable information on the CDC website.


Join code information: To join the CDC Remind for your class, text 81010 with the corresponding message: 9th Grade - @wec-cdc-26, 10th Grade - @wec-cdc-25, 11th Grade - @wec-cdc-24, 12th Grade - @wec-cdc-23, 13th Grade - @wec-cdc-23


The Wake County EMS High School EMT Program is accepting applications. This program is an incredible opportunity for rising seniors and super seniors. There will be an informational session on 3/29 at 6 pm. Click here for program information, application, and info session registration.


The Girls Who Code Summer Program’s application closes today, 3/24/23!  Be sure to click here to learn more and to register for the 2-week FREE coding course.


A big thank you to the WTCC Medical Assisting program! Department Head Parker and three current WECHS students enrolled in the program shared valuable information. They focused on prerequisites, courses within the program, and the next steps, including apprenticeships and jobs. Thanks again to Nusay, Chanel, and Angela for their time, expertise, and guidance! 


Next week, we will have the WTCC Health and Fitness Sciences program join our 9th-grade students on the PHS campus to learn how this program might impact their career and college readiness.


The NC State College of Veterinary Medicine will be holding its annual Open House on Saturday, March 25, 2023, from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.


Is your student a sophomore or junior and interested in a STEM career? The Duke Summer STEM Program is accepting applications for a 3-week summer program. Check out the website for additional details. Copy of 2023 Duke Summer STEM Academy WEB


Would a career in construction trades be of interest to your student? If so, check out the ACE Mentor Program Trades Day. This event will introduce high school students to construction trades through demonstrations and hands-on activities.  Click below for more information.  ACE TRADES DAY FLYER - Students.pdf


Is your student interested in veterinary medicine? Here are a couple of summer opportunities that are focused on vet careers. NCSU’s VetPAC is offering a summer camp for high school students. Click here for more information. Also, the USDA APHIS allows students to participate in the AgDiscovery Program. This program offers students a unique experience at participating universities to learn more about careers in this area. Click here for additional details.


2023 AFROTC Shadow Day at NC State will be held on Wednesday, March 29th.  If your student is interested in meeting with Air Force college cadets and learning about career options, click here for additional information.


Campbell University is offering STEM workshops this spring. The workshops are geared toward high school students interested in STEM fields such as engineering and health sciences. There is no cost to students, and a pizza lunch is provided.  More information can be found at their Science Education Outreach website linked HERE. 


Is your rising sophomore, junior, and senior interested in attending a fun, interactive, and educational camp? Cooperative Leadership Camp is a five-day overnight camp program hosted by the Cooperative Council of North Carolina. Click here to learn more about this opportunity and how to apply.


Wake County EMS is also offering an EMS Club. This group meets on the 2nd Monday of each month from 7:00 - 9:00 pm.  Click here for more information and the application. This opportunity is precious and rewarding. If your student is considering applying for the Wake County WCPSS High School EMT program during their senior or super senior year, this club would be a great asset for them.


The Perry Virtual Experience is a free, 2.5-hour, interactive online experience for high school and college-aged students who gender-identify as female or nonbinary and are interested in pursuing careers in orthopedics and engineering. Participants will hear from women leaders in these fields and dive into online mock orthopedic surgery simulations and biomechanics experiments. Click here for current opportunities.




Final Exams

PHS final exams are scheduled for May 17, 18, 19, 22, and 23.

Wake Tech final exams are scheduled for May 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8.  


Please do not schedule travel for these dates.


Students on the North Campus will submit their final exam schedules during their HS Seminar class on April 10.  



WECHS student-athletes participate in Athletics at Enloe High School, and the new and improved website is now live! 


Driver’s Education Registration Jordan Driving 

Visit to sign up.  Click ENLOE to register online.  Students can only take the class at their high school or the designated location (Enloe) as determined by Jordan Driving School.   Payment is not due until the class is confirmed by the Driver’s Education teacher at Enloe, Carolyn Hunter,


WECHS Calendar

Japan Trip Summer of 2024! (non-school sponsored) 

Interested? We had four spots open on this already-filled trip. We will open these spots to incoming students next year, so sign up now if you'd like to travel with us! Follow the below links below to see the full itinerary and price, and sign yourself up! For any questions, please contact Ms. Wernersbach.

Japan Meeting Details      Enroll now:

The Daily School Announcements are linked on our home page under Announcements if you didn’t know. 

After a fulfilling career in education, Ms. Wooten, our Assistant Principal, is retiring this summer, and we have begun finding her replacement. Next week a link will be included in this PWM asking for feedback on the essential qualities of an assistant principal The interview team will review this information as they interview and finalize candidates for our next AP. 

Principal’s Tip of the Week:

A daily practice of mindfulness can significantly ease anxiety. 

Principal Cummings’ Office Hours/Coffee Chats at 8:30 most Friday mornings. Open to all. The meet link is posted on our Google Calendar call, email, or let me know when you’d like to meet in person. Email:  Desk: 919-212-5803  Mobile (call/text):  919-341-9844 or use my online scheduler

Please take care of yourself, your friends, and your family, and contact me with any questions.

Principal Lisa Arment Cummings