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Principal's Message 12.3.23

Updates for this week

Positivity Focus for the Week:  Other People Matter:  Supporting Others When They Struggle

2024-2025 Reassignment Plan:  At the WCPSS Board of Education meeting held on November 21, 2023, the Board voted to approve the final reassignment plan.  Mostly, some students currently attending Pleasant Grove will be reassigned to Brier Creek, Leesville, or York Elementary.  Incoming students to Pleasant Grove will be reassigned from Parkside and Alston Ridge Elementary.  Included in this final plan was a calendar change for our school from a traditional calendar to that of a multi-track year-round.  I encourage you to visit the district’s website dedicated to this topic to see how your address will be impacted by the reassignment plan for next year.  2024-2025 Enrollment Plan.

In addition, some families received emails last week identifying them as being eligible for a stability transfer to remain at Pleasant Grove instead of a new base.  This comes without district-provided transportation if you choose this option. 

“…Under approved rules, some students can stay at their current school without district-provided transportation even if their assignment changes. Families may submit a request to stay at their current school from Nov. 29 until Dec.13. Submit a stability transfer. If you would like to attend your new school, you do not need to submit the stability transfer. 

Questions? Contact Student Assignment: 919-431-7333 or use their online form.”


Cultural Arts Assembly:  Thank you to the United Arts Council and PTA.  Under Mrs. Eason’s facilitation, students and staff enjoyed Baba Bomani during an assembly.  The kids (and staff) absolutely loved it!  He had us all up, moving and counting rhymes and beats!

Classroom Volunteers:  There will be many upcoming opportunities to visit your child’s classroom as a volunteer, specifically to help run a station, at the teacher’s request.  Register to volunteer if you have not done so already.  Click here for more information and details on how to register as a volunteer, Volunteer Information

IOWA Test (3rd Grade):  Based on student performance on the CogAt (AIG identification assessment), select third grade students have been invited to take the IOWA assessment this upcoming week.  You should have received a permission slip if your student meets eligibility criteria for this additional assessment.  Please return those permission forms as soon as possible.  Testing dates are December 6th and December 7th

Yearbooks:  You can now purchase a yearbook for pre-order. The link to purchase a yearbook can be found here:


Also, parents of our 5th Grade Flyers can now purchase a 5th grade recognition advertisement.  The deadline to do so is 1/31/2024.  Here is the link for 5th grade ads: