Parent Update - 1.5.24
OCE Families,
We hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful winter break! We had a great start to the new year and we’re looking forward to all the learning and growth that’s going to happen this semester!
Please see below for some updates.
Ashley Charles is back!
Mrs. Charles, one of our stellar assistant principals, has returned from maternity leave. She is excited to be back and looks forward to continuing to build positive relationships with our students and support our school.
OCE is Hosting a Reading Night on January 24th from 6:00-7:30 p.m.
We are hosting a reading night to promote excitement in students about branching out and reading a variety of book choices. All families and students are welcome! Each grade level will showcase different genres, and reading resources will be provided to help your children at home. Additionally, we will have a variety of parent information sessions encouraging reading at home. We look forward to seeing you there! Please RSVP here if you plan to attend.
OCE is Hosting a Science Fair and STEM Night on February 15th from 6:00-7:30 p.m.
The OCE Science Fair is an opportunity for students to showcase their creativity and curiosity by creating science projects. Please complete this form if you would like to participate by presenting either an individual or team project. Please email either Ms. Ferreira or Dr. Malhotra if you have any questions.
All students and families are welcome to attend the Science Fair and STEM Night, regardless of your participation in the Science Fair.
Upcoming whole school events:
(This list does not include specific track out dates- adhere to WCPSS calendar)
- January 15- NO SCHOOL- HOLIDAY
- January 19- Rock Star Day
- January 24- OCE Reading Night at 6:00pm
- February 8- Club Pictures, tracks 2 & 4
- February 15- OCE STEM and Science Fair Night at 6:00pm
- February 21 - Club Pictures, tracks 1 & 3
- February 22- PTA Dance Night for K-2 grades
- February 23- PTA Dance Night for 3-5 grades
- March 4-15- PTA Book Fair
- March 7 & 14 at 8am- PTA Special Person/Grandparents’ Breakfast
- May 10: PTA Carnival (Rain date May 17)
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at
Thank you for your continued support!