New & Improved Carpool System
For the 2024-2025 school year, we will utilize a new carpool system. Similar to the drive-thru line at our local Chick-fil-A, we will utilize a double-stack system; one lane will become two lanes, then will revert back to one lane.
We created a carpool driver video, map and a diagram we hope you will find helpful.
View what carpool pickup looks like as students get picked up via carpool with this additional video.
While this won’t reduce the time spent in the carpool line, it will improve traffic conditions that have long plagued the area surrounding our school. As with everything, we appreciate your continued support. It makes all the difference.
PLEASE NOTE: As a result of this change, YMCA & Safety Patrol students arriving early will now be dropped-off in the bus loop.
Morning drop off will begin at 8:45 AM and end at 9:15 AM. Students arriving after 9:15AM will be marked tardy. When arriving at carpool, there will be Safety Patrol Members at each cone and staff members throughout the arrival area.
- Safety patrol members will assist students out of the car and guide them to the correct entrance (Cafeteria, Gym, or Front Doors).
- K - 1st Grade: Cafeteria
- 2nd - 3rd Grade: Gym
- 4th - 5th Grade: Main Entrance Doors
- For the safety of students and adults, there should be no use of cell phones or texting while waiting or moving through carpool. Additionally, please do not park your car in the car pool lane and leave it unattended. This creates a fire safety violation.
- Carpool dismissal begins at 3:45pm.
- Students must be picked up by 4:05pm.
- After that time, students will need to be picked up from the main office.
- Please follow the designated traffic flow.
- Pull all the way forward before allowing students to exit vehicles.
- Do not exit your vehicle in the carpool lane.
- Please have your child exit from the passenger side of the car.