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Principal's Weekly Message - 9/29/24

Happy Sunday, Pride Parents,

Homecoming 2024

Homecoming 2024 is Here! We are so excited for the Week Ahead! The theme this year is "Welcome to Looniewood!" 

The themes planned for the Week:

    • Monday: La La Land - City of Stars, Dress for Stargazing (Comfy Clothes) 
    • Tuesday: Harry Potter - Sorting House, Class Colors
      • Seniors-Red
      • Juniors-Blue
      • Sophomores-Green
      • Freshmen-Yellow
    • Powderpuff Game - Tuesday, October 1 at 5 pm. 
    • Wednesday: High School Musical - Getcha Head in the Game - Jersey Out
    • Thursday: Teacher Workday
    • Friday: Shrek - Get in Our Swamp! - Green Out
    • Homecoming Dance - Friday, October 4, after the Football Game
  • Homecoming Dance: 


Fall Underclassmen Picture Retake Day is 10/10 in the auditorium. Students, parents, and staff should use this link ( and subscribe to receive alerts when their images are ready to view/purchase.


Please take a look and plan for the Exam Schedule for the 2024-2025 school year.



Thank you so much for your generous support of the LRHS PTSA Invest in Leesville Campaign! We are excited to share that we came just $2,000 short of our goal, with just over 460 students participating. If you haven't had a chance to donate yet, it's not too late! ( Your continued support makes a big difference for our students—thank you!

*Note: You can still donate by check using the blue envelopes or any envelope. Please ensure that if your student is bringing the check, they hand it to a teacher or the office to ensure it's processed correctly.  


Reflections Arts Competition

There are so many talented students at LRHS, and we can't wait to see what you create. This year, Leesville PTSA is participating in the National Reflections Contest, where students compete in different categories for recognition and awards. This year's theme is "Accepting Imperfection." The students can choose one or multiple categories to compete in, but only one entry per category. 

Entry Form  

Specifics for Entry

The due date is October 25

The categories are:

  • Dance Choreography
  • Visual Arts
  • Photography
  • Musical Composition
  • Film Production 
  • Literature 

Students create works of art that best reflect the theme. This is a multi-tier competition, so two students per category from LRHS will be selected to compete at the local, state, and possibly national levels. 



LRHS Pride Athletic Club (PAC) 

Pathway to Pride Brick Campaign is ongoing, and orders will be accepted until March 2025.

Description: A personalized brick with your student's information will be placed within the walkway to the stadium entrance. Bricks can be personalized with text and up to three (3) emblems of your choice. Cost ranges from $95 to $140

Use this link to design and order your brick—installation to be completed before the Senior Assembly.

For questions, please contact:


Here are the upcoming sports events for the week of Sept. 30-Oct. 5. 

Home Events

Wednesday, October 2

  • JV/V Men's Soccer Vs. Cardinal Gibbons 4:30/6:30

Ticket link:

  • Women Tennis vs Sanderson

Friday, October 4th Homecoming 

  • Varsity Football Vs. Sanderson 7 pm

Ticket Link:


Away Events 

Monday, September 30

  • JV/V Men's Soccer At Broughton 4:30/6:30
  • Women's Tennis at Athens Drive 3:30

Tuesday, October 1

  • JVB/JVA/Varsity at Athens Drive 4/5/6
  • Girls Golf at Lucheme

Thursday, October 3

  • JVB/JVA/Volleyball at Sanderson 4/5/6

Thursday, October 3 

  • JV Football at Sanderson 6:45 pm

Saturday, October 5

  • Great American XC Festival at WakeMed Soccer Park