Happy Sunday, Pride Families,
Principal Chats- I've had the pleasure of presenting academic and behavior expectations and introducing administrative and student support teams to five groups of 400+ students. If you are doing the math, I've talked to 2,000+ students. I have one more group on Monday. In those talks, I explained that we are in a "schoolhouse," and we expect students to act like it, dress like it, and learn like it. The goals of the talks are for students to be happy and healthy in a safe and orderly environment, knowing that the adults at LRHS are here to support them.
Parents, I'm asking you to share the following reminders with students:
- Please be safe in the student parking lot when arriving and exiting the school campus (students need to slow down).
- Students will remain in the main lobby/cafeteria area if they arrive at school before 6:55 a.m. (LRHS staff are expected on campus at 6:55.)
- Students may only leave campus for lunch with a lunch pass (otherwise they are skipping).
- Students are expected to be on time for each class. (The tardy policy will be enforced beginning tomorrow, will be cumulative, and will have consequences after a certain number of tardies.)
- Students violate the WCPSS Code of Conduct if they vape or use nicotine products anywhere on campus. Students vaping or smoking in a bathroom and the fire sensor is triggered will receive consequences that may include out-of-school suspension.
- Students must exit the school building by 2:45 p.m. unless they participate in athletics, clubs, or teacher meetings.
- Students need to check their grades in PowerSchool frequently and ask their teacher(s) for help if needed.
- Student attendance is essential to student success/achievement. However, we ask parents to keep students home if they are sick
PAC Meeting
- A Pride Athletic Club (PAC) Board Meeting will be held on Monday, September 11, at 6:30 p.m. in the Murphy Building. All are welcome!
LRHS Sports for the the week of Sept. 11-16
Home Events
Monday, September 11
- JVB/JVA/V Volleyball vs Panther Creek 4/5/6
Ticket Link: https://gofan.co/event/1124634?schoolId=NC1303
Tuesday, September 12
Wednesday, September 13
- Cross Country vs Broughton- Mens 5:00, Womens 5:30
Friday, September 15
- Varsity Football vs Wake Forest 7 p.m.
Ticket Link: https://gofan.co/event/1125897?schoolId=NC1303
Away Events
Monday, September 11
- JV/Varsity Men's Soccer At Northern Durham 4:30/6:30
Tuesday, September 12
- JV/Varsity Men's Soccer At East Chapel Hill 5/6:30
- Womens Golf 3:30
Thursday, September 14
- JV Football at Wake Forest 6:30
- Tennis at Athens Drive 3:30
- Volleyball at Athens Drive JVA/Varsity 4:30/6
- JV/Varsity Men's Soccer At Millbrook 4:30/6:30
Saturday, September 16
- Cross Country Adidas Challenge 8 a.m. at Wake Med
- Gymnastics Meet at TAG Apex, NC Time: TBD