Principal's Midweek Message - 1/6/2022
This is Ian Solomon, Principal of Leesville Road High School with an important midweek message.
Final Exam Reminders
Please review the exam schedule posted on the school website. More details about the exam expectations for each teacher & course are also posted to the school website. They are listed in alphabetical order by teacher last name. The answers to most questions can be found on these two documents.
A few key reminders:
If students are not scheduled to take an exam on a given day next week, they do not need to attend school.
Students must be present for the entire exam period. Buses will run at the conclusion of exams each day. Students do not need a permission form to leave campus at the conclusion of the exam period.
If students are on campus for one exam but exempt from the other on Monday or Tuesday and do not have transportation, they should report to their assigned classroom for the exempt class.
All students taking a CTE state exam or an EOC should bring their WCPSS Chromebook and charger when they report for the exam. Students may not use personal devices for state tests.
Students will not have access to cell phones or personal electronic devices during exam periods. Please make transportation arrangements in advance according to the posted schedule.
Makeup exams for all state tests will be administered on Friday, January 14 at 7:25 am.
Teacher made make up exams are scheduled directly with the classroom teacher. As soon as a student realizes they will miss an exam, they should email their teacher to make arrangements for the makeup.
If you have questions about an individual exam, please reach out to the classroom teacher.
If you have general questions, please email Ms. Arwood, Testing Coordinator or Ms. Fehling, Asst. Principal of Instruction
Rising Ninth Grade Open House
Our virtual Rising Ninth Grade Open House will be held Thursday, January 27 from 5:45 to 6:55 pm. Information on how to access this Open House event will be shared one week prior.
Curriculum Night
Our annual Curriculum Night for students in grades 10-12 will be held virtually Thursday, January 27 from 7:15 to 8:00 pm. Information on how to access this event will be shared one week prior.
Thank you for supporting Leesville Road High School as we take PRIDE in everything we do!