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2/6 Principal's Message

Alston Ridge Elementary Families:


2023 has been an exciting beginning as our community continues to grow and our students flourish—we are looking ahead to the many ways that our students are showing off their gifts and talents. With classroom communities well-established, our students are showing tremendous growth every day. We look forwarding to celebrating their accomplishments during the upcoming Science Fair (2/9 and 2/21), Talent Show, and regional Spelling Bee. As our students excel, our faculty continues to guide them to be leaders for kindness and empathy.


February marks several special celebrations—Black History Month, National School Counselor Week (Week of 2/6), and Bus Driver Appreciation through the district’s Love the Bus campaign (Week of 2/13). Join us as we recognize the important contributions of Black and African-American leaders in our nation’s history, and the valuable service that our Counselors and Bus Drivers provide.


The following are a few upcoming events and reminders:


Track Change Requests 2023-2024

Track Change Requests are accepted annually during the month of February for the following school year. Requests will not be prioritized on a first come, first served basis. All requests will be reviewed after the end of the Track Change Request Period. Track Changes should be submitted online form-- If a track change is granted, the track change will be the final assignment for the following school year. Due to current enrollment, there are limited opportunities for changes on any track. Final assignments will be communicated to families who request a Track Change by May 1.Families who do not request a track change will continue on the currently assigned track for 2023-2024. Rising Grade 6 families will make their request through the assigned middle school.  


Bus Route Changes

As WCPSS Transportation makes changes to bus stops and routes to manage crowding and balance ongoing driver shortages our school continues to advocate for consistent and efficient service for Alston Ridge families. Thank you for your patience as we have recently seen multiple changes to relieve crowding on our buses. Families are able to share concerns regarding bus routes directly with the WCPSS Transportation department through their online Contact form:


New Community-Based Programs at Alston Ridge

TGA Golf and Tennis programs will re-start this week at Alston Ridge Elementary School! We are excited for the return of this partnership with local golf and tennis coaches who work exclusively with Alston Ridge ES students on campus. Registration and information is available from the Winter 2023 ARES Flyer.


We hope that you’ll reach out to our front office with questions so that we can help your family navigate the days, weeks, and months ahead. We are fortunate to be a part of an exceptional and supportive school community and we look forward to everything that our students will accomplish in this second semester.





