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7/6 Principal's Message


Alston Ridge Families:


Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year! It is with optimism and enthusiasm that our faculty has prepared for our first, first day of school—a return to in-person instruction for some students, and for our kindergarteners and many first graders, the first time to come into our beautiful school building. We can’t wait to open the doors again. And soon—(August 2) for our Track 4 and Virtual Academy families, the chance for our next, first days of school.


“Meet the Teacher” Tracks 1-3, Grades 1-5

Class lists will be posted on the school’s grade-level faculty pages today (Tuesday) at 12 p.m. for students on Tracks 1-3, in Grades 1-5. Kindergarten, Track 4, and Virtual Academy class lists will be available prior to the respective 1st days of school. Student lists will be posted by the track with a teacher assignment. Due to continued COVID-19 public health restrictions and precautions, we will not host an in-person event this year. Families are encouraged to do the following—


Kindergarten / Grade 1 / Grade 2 / Grade 3 / Grade 4 / Grade 5


  1. Visit the Teachers' Pages and watch the introduction videos for your track.
  2. Fill out the Student Information Form on each grade-level page. Teachers will use this contact information to call families
  3. Fill out the PTA Opt-in Form if you would like to receive communication from the Parent/Teacher Association at Alston Ridge.


1st Days of School


Grades 1-5, Tracks 1-3                                     Thursday, July 8

Kindergarten, Track 1-3                                     Thursday, July 15


Grades 1-5, Track 4 & Virtual Academy              Monday, August 2

Kindergarten, Track 4 & Virtual Academy           Monday, August 9


Kindergarten Staggered Entry

Kindergarteners attend only 1 day during the first week of their assigned track to provide the opportunity for students to familiarize themselves with the school and daily routines: students will meet the members of the school’s faculty, eat in the cafeteria, explore the Specials classrooms, play during recess, and make a new friend! This 1-day experience also allows kindergarten teachers and academic specialists to conduct initial kindergarten entry assessments to better understand how we can support each child’s learning this year! The hours for Staggered Entry are 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Due to COVID protocols, 1 parent is permitted to walk students to their staggered entry classroom. At the end-of-the day, pick-up will be via carpool


Kindergarten, Tracks 1-3           July 8 – 13

Kindergarten, Track 4                August 2- 5


School Hours

Students begin arriving to school campus at 8:45 a.m. and all students are expected to be at school by 9:10 a.m. Students begin learning in classrooms at 9:15 a.m. Dismissal begins via carpool, walker, and bus dismissal at 3:45 p.m. Families can reach the school by phone from 8:15 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.


Before-School and After-School Care

Childcare is available on-site at Alston Ridge Elementary through a partnership with the YMCA for Before- and After-school care. All registration is through the NW Cary YMCA website.


Notices from the School District--


Bus Routes

Year-round school families that have transportation eligible bus riders can find new bus routes for 2021-22 starting tomorrow, June 24, 2021.


To find your route online, go to Look for your student’s school on this page and click the link to view available routes. Find the stop nearest your residence for your stop location. 

We will also share your student’s transportation route, stop and estimated bus arrival time by email and make it available in your student’s Home Base/PowerSchool account. If you do not have an account, you can sign up at your student’s school. More information on Home Base is available at


Families that do not have access to the internet should check bus routes at their school. 

Students should be ready and waiting for the bus at least 10 minutes prior to pick up. There is a lot of change at the start of the new school year as new students begin riding the bus and learning to use bus service. Please be patient. 


School Meals: All Students Will Receive Free School Meals For the 2021-22 School Year
Breakfast and lunch will be available at no cost to students for the 2021-22 school year.   While the district may be able to offer free meals to all students, it is very important for eligible parents to complete a meal benefits application because this data enables schools to obtain funding to provide other important educational resources to benefit students.  Other benefits that are issued directly to families that have applied and are eligible for meal benefits may also be available (such as the P-EBT cash benefit).  Parents can complete a meal benefits application online at Paper applications also are available at all schools. More:


Individual school meal menus will be available via a new application: MealViewer (learn more)