ACT's Education and Career Planning
Your Future Starts Now. Charting your course for success beyond high school
It’s normal to have questions about your future—whether to go to college and if you’re on the right track to do so, how and when career planning fits into your decisions, and more. ACT can help you answer your questions and start planning for success.
College Board's BigFuture
BigFuture, includes a college search tool, as well as a scholarship search tool and acustomizable action plan for students about to embark on journeys through the college admissions process.
Career Key
Career Key empowers you to discover your best path–the one most likely to lead to success and satisfaction. Get started now by choosing the right Career Key Discovery for you. This assessment does cost money, but it provides valuable information.
youth.gov (formerly FindYouthInfo.gov) was created by the Interagency Working Group on Youth Programs (IWGYP), which is composed of representatives from 19 federal agencies that support programs and services focusing on youth. The IWGYP promotes the goal of positive, healthy outcomes for youth. This website has a wealth of information pertaining to career exploration and career development.
CareerOneStop Student
CareerOneStop’s Student section is designed for high-school students, parents, and career advisors. The website includes four key topics with links to relevant resources and information:
- Identify your Interests helps students understand their skills, interests, and talents — and see how they fit with specific careers.
- Explore Careers enables students to research occupations and industries and ask critical questions such as: What fields are likely to have the most openings? Which jobs might be the best fit for me? and How much money could I make?
- Get Work Experience offers resources to help plan a successful job search with a focus on resumes, interviews, internships, and more.
- Find Education Options includes information on how education pays off, where to find the right programs and schools, and how to pay for college or training programs.
O*NET’s My Next Move
O*NET’s My Next Move is a career exploration tool designed for young people and those entering the workforce for the first time. Users select from one of three starting points:
- "I want to be a . . ." lets users search careers by keyword;
- "I'll know it when I see it" prompts users to browse careers by industry;
- "I'm not really sure" leads users through an online interest profiler and then suggests careers at match their interests and training.
Federal Internships, The Washington DC Job Source
From this page users can link to internship opportunities available in each agency or department of the Federal Government. The page also includes links to all members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate who offer internships in their DC or home offices.