Welcome to the Rand Road Media Center
Media Specilist: Ms. Sarah Tronic
Remember, you can always access the Catalog and see what books you have checked out and borrow ebooks by clicking on the Follet Destiny Discover App in your portal!
Do we need a new book? Make a recommendation for books we should purchase
Media Center Hours
As long as the Open sign is up, students in 3rd through 5th are always welcome in the media center.
Check Out Limits:
Unlimited check out. Our policy is take what you need. Most students find a balance that works for them overtime.
Media Center Policies:
Books are checked out for two weeks at at time, but there are no overdue fines at our media center. Even if a book/books are overdue, students are allowed to continue to check out new books. Although, we do assess this to make sure it is reasonable.
If you know a book has been permanently lost, please ask for a print out of the amount due. If you believe your child has returned a book, please contact me and I will look in the media center. Since students in 1st through 5th grade are responsible for checking in their own books, this does sometimes happen.
Mission: Our mission in the Rand Road Media Center is to enrich and augment curriculum while fostering a love of learning through collaborative teaching and availability of appropriate electronic and print resources for both educational and recreational purposes.
Vision: Stakeholders at Rand Road will feel like the media center has resources that represent and include them and that they are welcome. Teachers and students will be excited and want to use the media center as a multi-purpose learning environment.