How To Enroll

  • In Wake County, students are assigned to a base elementary, middle, and high school for their Wake County home address. (Your home address is also referred to as your domicile in school board policy 4150.)

    You will start by completing the online enrollment form as outlined below, then await instructions from your child’s base school about how to complete the enrollment process.

    Families who are not able to complete the online process should contact their base school’s data manager. A school representative will contact you by telephone to assist with completing the online enrollment process.

    Information for international students is at the bottom of this page.

    Step 1: Find your base school

    Find your base school using our address look-up tool. Your base school may have an enrollment cap. You will still register for your base school. Learn more about how an enrollment cap might affect you.


    Step 2: Enroll online 

    Enroll for 2024-25 | Iniciar una solicitud en español para 2024-25

    Enroll for 2025-26 | Iniciar una solicitud en español para 2025-26. To enroll for a new school opening for the 2025-26 school year (Bowling Road Elementary, Pleasant Plains Elementary, Rex Road Elementary, or Felton Grove High), you will work with the base assigned school for the 2024-2025 school year to pre-register for the 2025-2026 school year. Have questions? Contact your base school.

    Step 3: Bring the enrollment materials to your base school

    Once you’ve completed the form online, please wait for information from your child's base school regarding the completion of the enrollment process. To expedite your student’s enrollment, upload the following documents: 

    1. A certified copy of your child's birth certificate. (Need a birth certificate? Parents of children born in Wake County may now order certified birth certificates on the Wake County Register of Deeds website.)
    2. Proof of your Wake County address (domicile) in the name of the birth parent or legal custodian, which must be one of the following:
      • Current water, gas, or electric bill that is no more than 30 days old,
      • Newly signed lease that is no more than 60 days old,
      • Settlement statement that is no more than 60 days old or
      • Offer to Purchase agreement
        Agreements with a closing date no later than 45 days out may be used by existing Wake County residents as proof of address. Non-Wake County residents can use them only to pre-enroll for the next school year prior to June 30, and only if the purchase closing date is on or before June 30. Offer to Purchase agreements for homes under construction may require additional documentation of work completed. They may not be used as proof of residence to enroll or pre-enroll at a capped school or a designated overcrowded school.
    3. A photo ID of the birth parent or legal custodian
    4. Your child's immunization record
    5. Any custody documents

    Step 4: Obtain and submit proof of immunizations and NC Health Assessment

    State law requires every child entering public schools in North Carolina for the first time to receive a health assessment. The assessment must occur within 12 months prior to entering school. Your medical provider should provide a completed N.C. Health Assessment Form to the school on or before the child's first day of attendance. N.C. Health Assessment Forms are also available at Wake County schools, area doctors' offices or at the Wake County Health Department.

    State law requires these vaccinations before a student enters kindergarten and 7th grade.  

    New requirement: State law now requires all rising 12th graders to get a meningococcal vaccine booster before starting 12th grade. Parents will need to provide a copy of their child’s immunization record showing proof of the meningococcal vaccine before the first day of school in August 2020.


    International Students

    What does the Center for International Enrollment do?

    The Center for International Enrollment (CIE) office is part of Wake County Public School System’s English as a Second Language Department. They support enrollment staff at our schools. Enrollment is always completed at the student’s base school. Your child’s school staff may consult CIE staff for support in recommending grade level placement, high school credit evaluation, and evaluating your child’s English proficiency level. They can provide general information about enrollment and answer questions you may have. CIE staff is also available to assist families directly with enrollment applications and forms if needed. They can also provide notary services for required school documents.


    How to contact the Center for International Enrollment

    Contact them at (919) 533-7169 or Their main office is located at 5625 Dillard Drive (suite 1300), Cary, NC 27518. Se habla Español.

    Required documents to enroll your child

    • A certified copy of your child's birth certificate
    • Proof of your Wake County address (domicile) in the name of the birth parent or legal custodian, such as current water, gas, or electric bill, newly signed lease, or offer to purchase agreement.
    • Photo ID of parent or legal guardian
    • Your child's immunization record (if available)
    • Academic records from previous schools (if available)
    • Any custody documents


For questions about enrollment, please contact Jennifer Decker at 919 694-8960 EXT 27602.