2024-25 Grading Plan
We, the Wake Early College of Health and Science staff, are committed to providing a fair and consistent process for evaluating and reporting student progress that is understandable to students and their parents and relevant for instructional purposes. The information below provides specifics about our school-wide grading practices. These practices were developed in accordance with Board Policies 3135-R&P Homework and 3400-R&P Evaluation of Student Progress.
10-Point Grading Scale
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 60-69
F Less than 60
School courses follow the grading system listed below. Students earn weighted credit of up to 4.5 points for high school honors classes and 5 points for community college courses. -
Quality Points for students entering 9th grade in 2015-16 and beyond
Letter Grade A
Standard Course 4 | Honors Course 4.5Letter Grade B
Standard Course 3 | Honors Course 3.5Letter Grade C
Standard Course 2 | Honors Course 2.5Letter Grade D
Standard Course 1 | Honors Course 1.5Letter Grade F
Standard Course 0 | Honors Course 0Note: Students will receive one extra quality point for Community College courses approved by the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA)*. Independent college and UNC system courses will also earn one extra quality point.
Grading Categories
Though grading categories may vary in design, we agree on the information below.
- Major Assignments (Examples: unit tests, essays, labs, projects, presentations) - No more than 50% of the student’s grade.
- Homework - No more than 15% of the student's grade.
Please see the specific course syllabus for additional details. -
In accordance with WCPSS Board Policy, WECHS faculty will assign homework for the purposeful pre-teaching, continuations, or extensions of the instructional program as appropriate to the student's developmental level. Homework should help students become responsible, self-directed learners, improve their academic achievement, and provide reinforcement opportunities.
Homework is an important component contributing to student success. Homework assigned should be meaningful, reasonable in length, and either prepares students for the lesson that day or references a previously taught lesson. Though homework may vary in purpose and design, the following principles provide guidelines for each student:
- Students need to know expectations for assessment and grading of homework.
- Students and parents will be notified of homework percentages, values, or proficiency standards (not to exceed 15% per board policy).*
- Parents should check and help with homework as necessary, but not do homework.
- Teachers will set consequences and grading scales for late homework, homework not completed and homework make-up.
- Though long-term projects may extend over weekends or holidays, mandatory homework should not be scheduled during student breaks. An exception is any WCPSS recommended summer reading list and/or test prep activities.
- The time guideline for homework is two hours per school night, five nights per week. Teachers and staff will teach students time management skills, and students should plan their study time wisely to accommodate block scheduling and alternate-day courses.
*Students enrolled in college courses will adhere to homework requirements as stated by the course instructor. -
Make-up Work Policy for Excused Absences
WCPSS Board Policy 6000 R&P Section F
If the absence is approved in advance and/or if the work is assigned by the teacher in advance, all make-up work, including tests assigned for the day of return, is due upon the student's return to school. Teachers should use discretion and may make exceptions in the case of students whose excused absences were not planned in advance, were beyond the student's control, and the nature of which would not support make-up work the day of return (e.g., death in the immediate family, serious illness).If the make-up work has not been assigned in advance, for absences of one (1) to three (3) days, the student will have one day for each day absent. For absences exceeding three (3) days, the student may have two (2) days for each day absent to make up work. Special consideration should be given in the case of extended absences due to injury or chronic illness.*
At the secondary level, the student is responsible for securing make-up work, and at the elementary level, the teacher is responsible for assigning make-up work.
*Students enrolled in college courses should refer to the course syllabus provided by the course instructor.
Make-up Work Policy for Unexcused Absences
WCPSS Board Policy 6000 R&P Section E
Make-up work shall be graded at a standard consistent with the original work.* Credit equivalent to not less than 70% of the original value of the work shall be awarded for make-up work completed within the school's established procedures. In making final determinations about credit, the procedures should take into account the following:
The past performance of the student
Circumstances that may have made the unexcused absence unavoidable
Unusual family circumstances
Nature of the specific learning activity
Other issues that the teacher determines to be relevant to the situation.
*Students enrolled in college courses should refer to the course syllabus provided by the course instructor.
Late Work
No late work will be accepted beyond the quarter or end of the unit.*
Each content area will have the late/missing work point policy in the course syllabus to discuss with students.
*Students enrolled in college courses will adhere to deadlines as stated by the course instructor. -
Grade Recovery
Students will have the opportunity to reassess for major assessments. For students who complete the reassessment, the grade will be replaced with the average of the two scores.*
Teachers will have discretion over the specific grade required to reassess for a major assessment. Teachers will clearly communicate this criteria to students, parents, and will be recorded in the course syllabus and discussed with students.
*Students enrolled in college courses should refer to the course syllabus provided by the course instructor. -
Extra Credit
Wake Early College of Health & Science does not have a school wide extra credit criteria. Each content area will decide if extra credit opportunities are needed and ensure equitable practices when doing so.*
Ensuring compliance with 3400 R&P #4:Extra credit opportunities to enhance grades must be connected to learning outcomes and consistent within PLTs.
*Students enrolled in college courses should refer to the course syllabus provided by the course instructor. -
WCPSS Honor Code Policy
Academic honesty is essential to excellence in education and is directly related to the Board's educational objectives for students to promote integrity and self-discipline in students. As all schoolwork is a measure of student performance, academic honesty facilitates an accurate measurement of student learning.
Each student, parent, family and staff member has a responsibility to promote a culture that respects and fosters integrity and honesty. Academic integrity and honesty requires that all stakeholders share responsibility in the fulfillment of this policy.
In fulfilling these responsibilities:
- Students will collaborate with their peers to foster a culture of academic integrity; refrain from participating, either directly or indirectly, in any form of cheating or plagiarism; and adhere to the honor code;
- Parents and family will actively support the honor code by encouraging their child(ren) to foster and uphold a culture of academic integrity;
- Staff will establish and annually teach expectations regarding academic integrity and honesty; and promote the honor code.
Senior Exemptions
For the 2024-2025 school year, Students in Grade 12 may be exempt from exams based on the following criteria:
- Students must have a projected final grade of B or higher
- Students must have 10 or fewer absences in the course.
- Students cannot be exempt from state testing including field testing.
The principal (consistent with GS 115C-288) has final authority to determine a student's exemption status.
To provide some clarification to the guidelines above:
- Absences will all count equally when considering eligibility for exam exemptions. College visitations will count as part of the 10 days.
- Principals may waive absences beyond the 10 absences for documented absences that are outside of the student's control (ex - medical or transportation).
- All absences must be communicated to the attendance office via email or note. Attendance email: SHS-Attendance@wcpss.net
Gradebook Symbols and Comments
To help students and parents understand the status of a student's assignments in the PowerSchools Gradebook, the following symbols will be used separately and in combination to indicate the status of a student’s work.
A student has submitted an assignment that has yet to be graded.
A student submitted an assignment, but the submitted work was incomplete.
MissingA student has not submitted an assignment. Note: When an assignment is missing—even in the case of an absence—a grade of “0” will be entered into PowerSchools Gradebook for the assignment. A student may still submit the assignment and the “0” will be updated to the earned grade less any applicable late deduction.
ExemptThe teacher has exempted the student from the assignment and the assignment will not be used in grade calculations.
Symbols can be used in combination to give additional information about the status of an assignment.
Missing / AbsentA student has not yet submitted the assignment but was absent on the day the assignment was collected. Students who do not submit an assignment on the assigned due date as the result of an excused absence may make up the work under the conditions outlined in WCPSS Policy 4400 Attendance § C Excused Absences.
Missing / Late
A student has not yet submitted an assignment, but the original due date has passed. If the student submits the assignment prior to the Excessively Late Work deadline, the work will be graded and “0” will be updated to the earned score less any late deduction.
Collected / LateA student has submitted an assignment, but it was submitted after the assigned due date, not due to an excused absence.
Prevention-Intervention Plan
For students at risk of academic failure, our school utilizes the objective recovery programs available through the wake county school system such as Edgenuity. Details of our plan are below.
The following are school-wide expectations for how we support prevention-intervention efforts:
Weekly grade reports go out to the staff; students with grades below 75 are targeted for additional support.
All students can receive support from their teachers outside of class time during lunch and after school.*
Support staff meet weekly to discuss students who may be falling behind, intervention plans are created for students who need extra support, these plans are monitored regularly for progress.
Students who are struggling academically are assigned an academic coach who assists them in meeting goals set for them during the intervention planning process.
When necessary students are enrolled in objective recovery programs in order to get them back on track.
*Students enrolled in college courses should refer to the course syllabus provided by the course instructor and North Campus WCPSS teachers. -
Teacher Commitments
- Assignments for Wake Early College of Health and Sciences are aligned with WCPSS Board policy.
- Specific information about assignment weight is communicated in the course syllabus.
- A minimum number of 4 assignments per category.
- Late/missing work will be coded as a zero in PowerSchool until the assignment is completed.
- Teachers will update Powerschool at least once per week.
- Teachers assign grades based on work completed/submitted, not for behavior.
Student Commitments
- Students are expected to complete work for each class on time.
- Students are responsible for communicating with teachers to identify missed/missing assignments.
- Students are expected to attend tutoring/office hours with their teacher if they have missing or late assignments.
- Students with known upcoming absences should communicate with their teachers in advance of absences to obtain assignments.