• Basic Needs Support


    Wake County Network of Care

    McKinney Vento: If you have experienced a loss of housing contact your school social worker.

    Housing or Hotel Assistance: 984-344-9599 select option 4 leave a message

    Free and/or Reduced Lunch for Students: Rosie Tena (Bilingual) or Felicia Harris ph: 919-588-3535 or 919-856-2920

    NC Food Resource Guide in English or NC Food Resource Guide in Spanish

    Bus Transportation

    Hope Services

    InterAct of Wake County

    Note in the Pocket

    The Green Chair Project


    SAFEchild has new Circle of Security programs starting each month. Here is a link to the program page on their website that also contains the program coordinator’s contact information: https://safechildnc.org/circle-of-security/

    Circle of Security Parenting is for:

    Parents or caregivers of children from birth through teens.

    Program focus:

    Parents will learn how to:

    • Talk with their children so they will listen and cooperate.
    • Strengthen their relationships with their children.
    • Be present with their children during both the best and the toughest of times.
    • Recognize their children’s needs and make sense of their behavior.
    • Learn how to identify barriers to being able to communicate and guide their children effectively.


    Mental Health Support

    If you believe your child is in immediate danger, please call 911.

    Hope4NC: call or text "hope" 1-855-587-3463 for free and confidential emotional support, counseling referrals and community resources.

    National Alliance on Mental Illness 1-800-950-NAMI or text, "NAMI" to 741741

    Distress Helpline: SAMHSA’s Disaster Distress Helpline provides 24/7, 365-day-a-year crisis counseling and support to people experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters. Call 1-800-985-5990 or text, "TalkWith US" to 66746

    WCPSS Student Health and Safety: https://www.wcpss.net/suicideprevention

    Safe Child:  SAFE (Stop Abuse For Every) Child – supports families having a wide range of needs.

    National Human Trafficking Hotline and Website

    Transitions Grief Care for grief counseling and support 919-719-7199

    Domestic Violence: 1-800-799-7233 or text," LOVEIS" to 22522

    Child Abuse: 1-800-4Achild or 1-800-422-4453

    Sexual Assault: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)

    Bullying Prevention and Awareness: Learn how to identify bullying and how to stand up to it.

    National Suicide Hotline (24 hours)
    Lifeline (24 hours): 1-800-273-8255

    Over the phone crisis counseling and suicide intervention
    24 Hour Crisis Line: 919-231-4525

    Holly Hill Hospital
    Emergency mental health services
    24 Hour Crisis Line: 919-250-7000

    UNC Crisis and Assessment (young children)
    Emergency mental health services (located in Chapel Hill)
    Crisis Line: 919-966-4131

    Strategic Behavioral Center (ages 12-17)
    Emergency mental health services
    24 Hour Crisis Line: 919-800-4400

    UNC Crisis and Assessment At WakeBrook
    Emergency mental health services (located in Raleigh)
    24 Hour Crisis Line: 984-974-4830

    Alliance Behavioral Health
    Mental Health options phone: 919-651-8500 (8:30-5:15 M-F)

    Therapeutic Alternatives, Inc.
    Mobile Crisis Service for adults and children
    24 hour Crisis Line: 1-877-626-1772
    Mobile Unit: 919-799-0701

    Academic Support

     If you have concerns about your child's academics, you should first reach out to your child's teacher.

    Online Safety

    Poe Center