• Classwork Overview


    The following are school-wide expectations for classwork and assessments in grades K-5:

    • Grade levels work together to gain a consistent understanding of the standards.
    • Specific activities or texts used during classwork may vary by classroom.
    • Assessments are created and graded together as a team to ensure consistency.
    • Before the assessment, teachers discuss how to administer the assessment to ensure consistency.
    • Teachers will keep students and parents informed of long term due dates for projects.  Projects would need to be completed by the student in addition to the nightly reading.
    • Classwork is completed in class independently, with classmates, or with teacher support to practice taught skills.
    • Students will complete classwork to the best of their ability.

    The following are school-wide expectations for the completion and grading of classwork and assessments:

    • Assessments are scored using rubrics that have been created by the grade level team.
    • Data is collected as a grade level and discussed.
    • Students are scored based on the Standards Based Grading Scale.
    • Classwork can also be used as an observational grade.
    • Completion and effort of classwork will be reflected in the work habits standards.