Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is eligible to be nominated?

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    Any enrolled student can be nominated and considered for SSA to skip elementary or middle school content if the nomination is received prior to the close of the school’s nomination window.  

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  • How will students who qualify for SSA be served?

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    Students who qualify for SSA in grades 1-4 will go to another class at the appropriate grade level for direct instruction.  For 5th graders taking sixth grade content, delivery is through online instruction.  

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  • Will they always take the grade level EOG?

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    A student will take their current assigned grade level's EOG, not the grade level of their math or ELA SSA course.  This is mandated by the state.

     For example, if a child is in third grade and is SSA in math, they will take the third grade EOG even though they are taking fourth grade math.

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  • How is a student's schedule affected when they participate in SSA?

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    By participating in SSA, parents are aware that changes in scheduling will be necessary which may result in other off-grade level activities (e.g. specials, lunch, recess).  Specials, such as Art, Music, and Physical Education, are all part of the NC Standard Course of Study with Essential Standards in each area.  To meet NC General Statutes of a comprehensive education, each student must attend specials even if they are participating in SSA.  Schools will address scheduling needs on an individual basis.

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  • Which teacher is responsible for gaps in instruction since students have to take grade level EOG?

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    By requesting SSA, parents understand that students will not receive direct instruction on the content they are skipping.  While supports may be put in place for identified gaps, this will not include direct instruction from the teacher.

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  • Does a child receive AIG service even if they are in SSA?

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    Yes.  If a child is identified as Academically or Intellectually Gifted, they will recieve services.  A student does not have to be identified in the AIG Program to participate in SSA.   Participating in SSA is not considered AIG services, therefore students will receive gifted services as outlined in their Differentiated Education Plan (DEP) if they are qualified.

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