Penny Road Bus Information & Live Updates
The WCPSS Transportation Contact Number is 919-805-3030. Even though you will get a recording, it’s very important that you call this number and leave a message when you have any issues other than student behavior, as they return your call as soon as they can. This number covers the whole county, so it can take a while. BUT, your message serves as official documentation of a/the concern. In other words, the more ‘documentation’ they have from parents, the more likely they’ll be able to identify patterns in an expedited manner.
Want up to date/live bus transportation information?
- To find out the time your child’s bus left Penny Road, scan this QR code or go to; bookmark the site/add to your home screen on your device.
- To find out the location of your child’s bus while it’s running the route, you can sign up for Here Comes the Bus at You will need the district code and your student’s ID number to sign up. The WCPSS school code is 67500. For your smartphone or tablet, download the Here Comes the Bus app from the App Store or Google Play. Tracking starts for traditional schools around 3 weeks after start of school.
Want to sign your child up for bus transportation or want to request a change in stop location?
- Go to
- Go to the appropriate menu item for your situation and click on it (Bus Rider Registration - 2017-18 School Year; Alternate Stop; Transportation-Ineligible).
- Scroll down until you see the form that you need to fill out.
- Complete the form and then make sure to click on the submit/request service button.
- You will receive a request receipt confirmation email and transportation will call or email when they have made a decision. Please understand that this is a lengthy process and could take up to 40 days, so you need to plan for the worst case scenario (driving your child to/from school for quite a while or continuing at their current stop) and hope for the best (happening within a few weeks).
- If your child is approved, please send a written note to their teacher telling them that they will be a bus rider. Make sure to include the bus route number, actual bus number, and the stop location.
- Your child will receive a bus identification card that will be in a plastic sleeve. It needs to be attached to the outside of their book bag so the driver can see it. K & 1st grade cards will be red, which indicates that a parent/guardian has to be at the bus stop AM & PM. 2nd - 5th grade cards will be yellow, parents do not have to be at the bus stop but are encouraged to be if possible.
Your Penny Road bus contact person is Sandy Post, Assistant Principal, 919-387-2136, ext. 26174.