Weekly Message

Posted by Scott Lyons on 8/25/2023 12:50:00 PM

Hello Huskies,


Monday August 28 is the first day of school for all students.  Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors should report to their Husky Headquarters (advisory) classrooms to receive their final schedule.  Any schedule received prior to Monday should be discarded.  If your child has not submitted a technology permission and military disclosure form, he or she will bring one home which should be completed.  Privacy release forms are also available if you desire to complete one.  Student/Parent handbooks will also be distributed.  Students will receive lunch information from their 3rd period teachers.


All seniors will report to the loading dock on Monday morning, beginning at 6:55 am, for the annual senior breakfast.  Husky Headquarters (advisory) attendance will be taken, so all seniors must check in at the loading dock.  They will receive their final schedules during this time.  In the event of inclement weather, the senior breakfast will be held in the auxiliary gym.

Bus assignments are now available to view in PowerSchool, and the routes and stop times are also on the Heritage High School website.  Click Families and then click Transportation to see this information.  You can also utilize the “Here Comes the Bus” app for more details.  Students with bus questions will be able to see an administrator during their lunch.


To our carpool families, if you have not yet reviewed the carpool information in the start of school section of the website, we invite you to do so prior to Monday morning.  Morning carpool is located in the back student parking lot.  When dropping students off, please pull up as far as possible to allow more vehicles to pull in.  Only afternoon Pick up/Carpool is located in the front staff parking lot.  When picking up students, please pull up as far as possible to allow more vehicles to pull into the lot.


School communication and materials (i.e. home mailings, yearbook, awards, software applications, etc.) that include your child's name for the 2023-2024 school year are provided by the data listed in PowerSchool. If you and your child are in need of a name change for these communications, please fill out the preferred name change form . This must be completed and turned in to the front office no later than Friday, September 1 if you want the yearbook to have their preferred name listed.


NC Legislators passed a law last year that requires all secondary schools across the state to inform students in grades 6-12 each year about important resources related to child abuse and neglect. It also requires schools to have this information posted in each middle and high school.

The attached document contains important information and resources available in our community.  WCPSS is committed to the safety and well-being of children in our community.  If you have any questions about this information, please reach out to Ms. Corcho, Student Assistance Program counselor, or your child’s school counselor.


Registration for the October 10 PSAT is underway.  Students who participate gain access to My College Quickstart, Khan Academy for SAT prep, and more.  Juniors are encouraged to take the test for National Merit, National Achievement, and National Hispanic Scholarship competitions.  Registration fee is $17.  Fee waivers are available for juniors meeting eligibility criteria.  Register here.  Please note – complete registration includes payment after submitting Google Form.  The registration form AND the payment is required in order to be officially registered.


We had three successful events in one day yesterday as we hosted Early Start Day orientation for new students, New Parent Night, and Senior Night on our campus.  We hope all who participated received information to help navigate high school in general and the school year.  Slides from New Parent Night can be accessed here.  Slides from Senior Night can be accessed here.


Senior Specific Information

North Carolina state immunization law requires that all students are up to date with immunizations by the first day of school.  For us, this is August 28.   There are no extensions for this date.  Seniors are now required to have the meningococcal vaccine.  Also, for Seniors a 2nd meningococcal vaccine may be required for students by 17 years of age or entering 12th grade. You are encouraged to immediately check with your doctor to ensure your child is up to date and provide the school with an updated copy of the shot record.  If you do not have a healthcare provider, you can call 919-562-6300 to schedule an appointment at the Health and Human Services Northern Regional Center.  Do not delay in providing this information to our school.  You can email the records to kohara@wcpss.net, fax to 919-670-4212, or drop off records in the main office, Monday-Friday, 7:00 am-3:00 pm.


Seniors can still apply to have a reduced course load and/or graduate mid-year.  Access the reduced course load application here.  Applications to graduate mid-year can be found here.  The deadline for both applications has been extended to Wednesday, August 30.


Seniors are reminded to complete the task of getting your senior portrait for the yearbook.  Go to their website here or call (800) 343-5735 to schedule. This is a busy time for Prestige.  Continue to call if there are no appointments available.  They will be on campus for make-up pictures on Friday, September 8.  More information about the make-up picture date can be found here.  Seniors may sign up for an appointment time in Student Services starting on August 30.


Meet the Teacher Night will be Tuesday, September 12.  Doors open at 5:45pm.  Want to know about other upcoming events?  Please refer to our school calendar, found on the school’s homepage. 


We are looking forward to a great day on Monday!  Go Huskies!


Warm regards,

Scott Lyons
