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09/27/2024 Parent Communication

Herbert Akins Road Elementary School

From the Hawk’s Nest        


Friday, September 27, 2024


Happy Friday Hawk Families! We hope everyone had a safe day on Friday. Happy track out to track 4 - enjoy your break! Welcome back to our track 1 students - see you on Monday! We look forward to starting the second quarter of our school year. Please see below for this week’s updates.  


Boosterthon Update

We enjoyed kicking off our Boosterthon Program with Tracks 2 & 4 last week. We appreciate your support in raising funds for our school. We have currently raised over $26,000 and are well on our way to meeting our goal of $55,000. Ms. Carfano can’t wait to be slimed when we reach our goal of $55,000 and Ms. Pickrel can’t wait to slime her! 😉 We are looking forward to kicking off our program for Tracks 1 & 3 on Monday. We know that the Booster Team has lots of fun planned for your students this week. 


Curriculum Night - AIG Sessions

Interested in meeting with Ms. Alford, our AIG teacher? She will hold information sessions at both curriculum nights from 5:00-5:30 PM (before the event) and from 5:30-6:00 PM (during the event) to share information and answer questions. These sessions are open to all families (regardless of whether your student is currently receiving services). Curriculum nights will be held on October 10 for tracks 1&3 and October 24 for tracks 2&4.


A Message from Ms. VandenBerg

Hi families! Our Student Services Team is in need of a few items to help us better support our students. We are looking for small fidgets that can help students cope with stress and anxiety, as well as prizes that can be used for our attendance incentive program. We have created an Amazon Wishlist if you would like to contribute. Thank you!


Updates from PTA

Boosterthon is off to a great start! Tracks 1 & 3 kick off on Monday! Thank you to our wonderful sponsors and to those who have already donated.


Spirit Night at Rock Solid on October 18 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. More info will be coming soon.


Upcoming events:

Nov 6 - PTA meeting

Nov 12 - Veterans Breakfast

Nov 16 - Spirit Night at Sonshine Gymnastics

Dec 6 - Family Winter Dance

Dec 2 - 13 - Book Fair

Dec 13 - Spirit Night at Mathnasium


Keep up With Events at School!


  • Keep up with PTA info on their Facebook page “Parents of Herbert Akins Road Elementary School”.

  • Find us on X (formerly Twitter) @herbertakins to keep up with happenings at school!


Have a great weekend!

The HARES Admin Team


Important Dates:

Access the 2024-2025 Year Round Calendar

  • September 30, 2024: Welcome back Track 1

  • September 30, 2024: Boosterthon kicks off for Tracks 1 & 3

  • October 8, 2024: Boosterthon Bubble Run for Tracks 1 & 3 

    • 4th and 5th- 10:00-11:00

    • 2nd and 3rd- 11:30-12:30

    • Kinder and 1st- 2:00-3:00

  • October 8, 2024: 🚧🚦Traffic Alert: Middle School Soccer and Volleyball

  • October 9, 2024: Picture Day for Tracks 1 & 3

  • October 9, 2024: 🚧🚦Traffic Alert: Middle School Football

  • October 10, 2024: Curriculum Night for Tracks 1 & 3

  • October 18, 2024: Rock Solid Warrior Spirit Night

  • October 21, 2024: Welcome back Track 4

  • October 22, 2024: 🚧🚦Traffic Alert: Middle School Soccer and Volleyball

  • October 23, 2024: 🚧🚦Traffic Alert: Middle School Football

  • October 24, 2024: Curriculum Night for Tracks 2 & 4

  • October 25, 2024: Track 2 & 4 Fall Photo Retakes


The information below was in last week’s message:


Third Grade Families - CogAT Testing


The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) will be administered this fall to third grade students in the Wake County Public School System. Students will take the CogAT over three days, with 30 minutes of testing each day. The data collected from this assessment is used to aid in gifted identification, as well as to determine areas of academic strengths and areas of growth. 

CogAT tests will be administered:

  • Tracks 1, 2, & 3: 10/1/24 - 10/3/24

  • Track 4: 10/22/24- 10/24/24

Carpool Safety

When dropping off or picking your student up in carpool, please ensure that your student only enters/exits the vehicle from the passenger side. With traffic flowing in both directions, it is also important that the driver remains in the car. The adults on the sidewalk will assist students in getting into and out of cars as needed. If your student misses loading and you have to pull around, please stay in the parking lot. We will cross your child over to you once they have come down. 

Thank you for helping us ensure safety for all during arrival and dismissal.