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July 13, 2023

Good morning panda families!


I hope that everyone is having an enjoyable summer.  We are busy at work planning for the new school year and are so excited for the end of August when we welcome our pandas back.  One critical aspect of summer planning is making sure that we have all the staff we will need in place.  Our staffing numbers are based on the number of students who show up for school in August, so it is so important to have as accurate a picture of possible over the summer so that we can plan accordingly.


If you are receiving this email, you have a child (or children) who are registered to attend Penny Road next school.  My request is that, if your circumstances have changed and your child will not be attending Penny Road in August, that you please let me know as soon as you do.  (Even knowing that you might move or pursue different options would be helpful, even if your plans aren't finalized yet.)  This small gesture of keeping us informed makes a big difference in making sure that we are appropriately staffed, so I appreciate it very much.


Also, if you have a younger child, neighbor, or friend who is or will be five years old by August 31 and hasn't yet registered for kindergarten, please encourage them to do so as soon as possible.  Again, we want to make sure that we have the right number of kindergarten teachers for the number of students that attend, so it is so helpful to know who will be coming as soon as possible.  The enrollment process starts online at


Thank you for your attention to these matters.  Keep an eye out for future messages with important dates, information for incoming kindergarten students, and more!


Thank you!

Jill Harrison, Principal