WECHS Principal's Weekly Message 5/31/2024
WECHS PHS Office Summer Hours: M-Th: 7:30 am-2:30 pm. Wake Tech campuses are closed on Fridays during the summer. If you are dropping in to have paperwork signed, call first to make sure we are in the front office and not elsewhere in the building. Thank you. 919-212-5800 “0”.
North Campus Office is not staffed during the summer.
Wednesday, June 19 (Juneteenth): WCPSS Teacher Workday, PHS Office Closed
Thursday, July 4: Independence Day Holiday, WCPSS/WTCC Closed
Friday, August 2: New Student Summer Camp, PHS Campus
Wednesday, August 7: First Day of School!
Monday-Tuesday, August 12-13: Junior Orientation (new to North): North Campus
Wednesday, August 14: Senior Orientation: North Campus
Thursday, August 15: First Day of Wake Tech Classes!
Calendar of school activities. Displays are on the website and are updated throughout the week.
The 2024-2025 calendar can be found at this link. Please reference this calendar when making appointments and travel/vacation plans. Students should always attend class, especially WTCC classes.
General Important Items:
Class of 2024: Graduate Information
Link to WCPSS Commencement Livestream Broadcasts
To view graduate photos, visit my.photoday.com and enter the access code PGAM76477.
WTCC degrees will be mailed to graduates in late June and will be available digitally in June. Check out this link for additional information. The email will come from congratulations@parchment.com. Students can verify their mailing addresses within the first 72 hours of the email being sent. Each graduate's mailing address in Self-Service will be provided to Parchment. If a graduate needs to update his or her address within the Parchment portal, updates must be made within that 72-hour window. Updating a mailing address in the Parchment portal does not change it with Wake Tech. To have a permanent address change on a Wake Tech student account, update it in Self-Service.
Parchment will also provide degrees and diplomas via the U.S. Postal Service to the mailing address on the graduate's account in Late June.
Ms. Lachance will send high school transcripts to colleges/universities next week. If you need it sent somewhere else, contact her directly. mlachnce@wcpss.net
To send your WTCC transcript to a college, go to this website to read how to request your official transcript,
If you are a rising Junior (headed to North next year) and plan to use a personal laptop on North, please return your school-issued laptop to Mr. Abbott. Please check the laptop requirements for WTCC before deciding.
New students to PHS will be issued and expected to use a WCPSS ThinkPad while on the PHS Campus. No personal devices will be allowed for 9th and 10th grade.
2024-2025 Bus Routes
The following message was sent to families on 5/29/24 who are eligible and currently assigned to express transportation for the 2024/25 school year.
Express stop message
Dear Parent:
This message is sent to you because your student is currently assigned to an express bus stop for the 2023-24 school year.
To see the express stops for your student's school, visit www.wcpss.net/expressstop and click Magnet Express Alternate Stop in the form. A drop-down menu will indicate all the available stops for your school.
For the 2024-25 school year, you are currently assigned to the stop closest to your residence. You may use this form to request a different express stop if you wish.
To ensure service on the first day of school, alternate express requests must be received based on the following schedule:
Modified calendar schools: request service by June 17
Traditional calendar schools: request service by July 15
NOTE: With express busing, parents accept responsibility for driving their student to a central location, such as a school or a community center, for pick up by the school bus. The school bus will travel to several express stops before it delivers students to their school. In the afternoon, students are returned to the express stop for pick up by parents. Please know that express stop locations will not be moved or added as a part of this offer.
Up-to-date transportation information is available in your student’s Home Base/PowerSchool account. More information on Home Base is available at www.wcpss.net/student-information.
If you need further assistance with bus service, contact your student’s school.
Thank you for your support of the Wake County Public School System.
WECHS Transportation Details
WECHS bus riders ride Enloe buses. The Office of Transportation will finalize Enloe Bus Routes for the next school year around the third week of July. Bus Riders have two different bus routes depending on whether it is an Enloe school day.
Students will ride EXPRESS Routes August 7 - 26th, when Enloe students do not have school. The 2023-24 Express Routes are listed on our website. They are subject to change for 2024-2025. We will update bus routes as new information is provided.
On August 27, when Enloe students begin school, WECHS students will ride the Enloe bus routes. The proximity of this bus stop is based on how close an Enloe bus-riding student lives near you.
Throughout the school year, when Enloe has a break, such as a Teacher Workday, and WECHS has school, students will switch back to Express Routes for that day. We will remind the students.
WECHS Yearbook
We received extra yearbooks, which are available for purchase. To request a yearbook, go to jostens.com. The price is $55.00.
Meredith STEM College is designed to help young women explore their interest in science for rising 10-12th graders. Those selected will participate in a two-week residential summer experience on Meredith’s campus. They will also earn three college credits and connect with others interested in science. Apply today!
ACT: Students may choose to retake the ACT. To register, go to the ACT site. Juniors may also qualify for a fee waiver to take the ACT. The most common way that students qualify is if they are eligible to receive free or reduced lunch. Email Ms. Lachance at mlachance@wcpss.net or 919-532-5702 for more information.
Looking for SAT information? Visit the College Board website. If you took the PSAT already, you have a log-in.
SAT Waivers: Juniors may qualify for a fee waiver to take the SAT. The most common way that students qualify is if they are eligible to receive free or reduced lunch. Click on the links above for all areas of eligibility. Parents and students, please contact Mrs. Lachance for the fee waiver form. Students (or parents on their behalf) have to self-identify. Please contact her at 919-532-5702 or mlachance@wcpss.net.
Please consider joining the PTSA. Your donations directly benefit students, faculty, and staff at WECHS. For more information on how to join and donate, visit the PTSA website: https://www.wechsptsa.org/—no more sending cash or checks to the school!
PTSA has spirit wear, water bottles, planners, WECHS magnets, laptop covers, and other items for sale! Go to https://www.wechsptsa.org/ to order yours today.
Student Services
Scholarships: Here is the link to our most recent scholarship bulletin.
Pay special attention to some local scholarships.
Financial Aid for College: The FAFSA packages have now been released from universities. For help with anything related to the FAFSA, please contact Ms. Lee. She is available for appointments through next week, and you can schedule an appointment with her here: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/appointments/schedules/AcZssZ2s4hJ5ZtSoMDg1XFeiBOWytTnPT8DU1FqGE24AWKuHCt5wt_r2mDklY6_XIEbZFd_IuhmhY_wo.
Her email address is anlee@wcpss.net.
Wake Tech
Fall and summer schedules are available to view via Self-Service. Parents, have your student log in to Self-Service and show you their schedule. Talk about what they are taking. Realize this is not their complete schedule. Students on the North Campus also have WECHS classes.
Career Development:
This summer, Wake AHEC is offering two opportunities for students interested in health careers. In June, they are offering a weeklong Virtual Mini-Medical School Camp. In July, for the first time since 2019, Wake AHEC will offer a weeklong in-person Mini-Medical School camp. Vance Granville Community College South Campus will host the in-person camp. There is a fee associated with each camp.
The NC State Laboratory of Public Health offers rising 10th-13th grade students a 40-hour experience. Only 8 spots are available, and you must complete the application by June 6, 2024. Click here for the flier and more information.
Do you live in Raleigh? If so, your student might be interested in learning more about the City of Raleigh’s Digital Inclusion Program. It’s an excellent opportunity for leadership and service learning. Please click here for more information and to register for the interest form.
The Perry Virtual Experience is a free, 2.5-hour, interactive online experience for high school and college-aged students who gender-identify as female or nonbinary and are interested in pursuing careers in orthopedics and/or engineering. Check out the webpage for more information and the calendar for upcoming opportunities.
Is your student interested in emergency medicine? Would they like to learn more about first aid, CPR, and skills required to save a life? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, please check out the Wake County EMS Club! The club meets on the 2nd Monday of every month. To find out more about this opportunity, click here.
Principal's Reminders
Reporting Threats
By calling the WCPSS Tip Line at (919) 856-1911, anyone can report threats of bullying, violence, aggressive behavior, weapons on campus, or any other potential threat. A specially trained operator will receive the caller’s information and ask for additional information to address the situation.
The 988 Lifeline is a national network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support
Principal Cummings hosts Office Hours/Coffee Chats most Fridays at 8:30 am in person or via Google Meets.
Contact information: email: lcummings@wcpss.net Desk: 919-532-5641 Mobile: 919-398-3451. While I have offices on both campuses, I am usually on the North Campus.
Have a great summer break filled with rest, relaxation, and adventure!