WECHS Principal's Weekly Message 5/17/2024
We Made It! Happy End of the School Year! Congratulations to PHS for finalizing exams today.
Monday, 5/20/2024: WCPSS BAC 4, Conn Elementary, 6-7:30 (RSVP below)
Tuesday, 5/21/24: WECHS Graduation Practice (required) at Meymandi Hall, 11 am-1 pm
Wednesday, 5/22/24: Last Official Day of School
Wednesday, 5/22/24: WECHS Commencement Ceremony, 4 pm at Meymandi Hall. All graduate guests need a ticket to enter. Please review the venue’s policies here.
Calendar of school activities. Displays are on the website and are updated throughout the week.
The 2024-2025 calendar can be found at this link. Please reference this calendar when making appointments and travel/vacation plans. Students should always attend class, especially WTCC classes.
Class of 2024: Graduation Information
May 21: Graduation Practice (Required) at Meymandi Hall 11 am -1 pm. Wear casual clothes (no caps/gowns) Only graduates and junior marshals. Graduates will receive tickets for graduation at rehearsal.
May 22: Graduation at 4 p.m. at Meymandi Hall. Graduates arrive by 3 p.m., and Guests are allowed to enter at 3:15 p.m.
Lifetouch photographers will photograph each graduate as they cross the stage. To view the photos, visit my.photoday.com and enter the access code PGAM76477.
2024 Graduates are reminded to return all textbooks, laptops, chargers, etc., or pay for missing items to Ms. Hennings before graduation. Outstanding fees/materials will prevent participation in Commencement.
Parking Information: Meymandi Parking Information
List of Prohibited Items for Meymandi Hall:
The following items are prohibited inside the facility: balloons, camera bags, book bags/backpacks,
glass vases/containers of flowers (flowers wrapped in tissue paper are allowed), food or drink,
noisemakers, wrapped packages of any kind (gift bags that can be opened are okay), or any item
similar to those listed above. https://www.martinmariettacenter.com/know-before-you-go-information
Graduation Behavior Expectations and Consequences:
Clapping will be held until the last student receives a diploma.
Cheering, yelling, or other noise is strictly prohibited.
Please refrain from using noisemakers of any kind.
Please be respectful of all students receiving diplomas
If students or families disregard these rules, Ms. Cummings reserves the right to hold your diploma.
No decorations on your graduation cap or gown!
PLEASE inform all guests of these rules beforehand..
General Important Items:
WCPSS Board Advisory Council Meeting
On behalf of Wake County school board member, Toshiba Rice, representing district 4, we wish to thank those who were able to attend the Board Advisory Council (BAC) Meeting on April 22nd. The final district 4 BAC meeting of the school year will take place on Monday, May 20th from 6:00-7:30pm.
We are excited to have Principal Gabriel Chidester host the meeting at Conn Magnet Elementary School, which was recently named the TOP elementary magnet school in the nation and the #2 overall magnet school in the nation! The address is: 1220 Brookside Drive, Raleigh NC 27604
In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, we will have guest speakers to discuss the importance of mental health for our students.
Please use the link below to indicate your attendance.
The RSVP form will remain open until Thursday, May 16th.
As a recap to the April BAC meeting, we wish to express a huge thank you to Dr. Will Chavis, Superintendent for Equity Affairs, and his entire team, for an informative presentation on “Student Achievement Through Equity.”
The slide deck from the presentation is attached to this message.
* Student Achievement Through Equity Presentation
Again, please RSVP for the final BAC meeting on May 20th.
Please let me know if anyone from your school needs to receive notifications of future BAC meetings, or if you wish to be removed from future communications.
Sophomore Laptops
If you are a sophomore and plan to use a personal laptop on North, please return your school-issued laptop to Mr. Abbott before you leave on your last day at PHS. Please check laptop requirements for WTCC before deciding.
2024-2025 Bus Routes
WECHS bus riders ride Enloe buses. Enloe Bus Routes for next school year will not be finalized until the end of July. Students will ride EXPRESS Routes August 7 - 26th. The 2023-24 Express Routes are listed on our website. They are subject to change for 2024-2025. We will update bus routes as new information is provided.
WCPSS Family Survey-April 8-May 17th
Please help us make your child’s school experience as positive and beneficial as possible by giving honest, thoughtful responses to the questions in our family survey from April 8 to May 17—the link to take the survey-
WECHS Yearbook
The yearbooks are IN and selling fast - only 5 copies left!
Order your yearbook today to capture this year's WECHS "can't miss moments" and preserve those memories! Books are available now on a first-come basis, depending on how many extra books are ordered, if any. To request a yearbook, go to jostens.com today! The price is $55.00.
Meredith STEM College is designed to help young women explore their interest in science for rising 10-12th graders. Those selected will participate in a two-week residential summer experience on Meredith’s campus. They will also earn three college credits and connect with others interested in science. Apply today!
ACT: Students may choose to retake the ACT. To register, go to the ACT site. Juniors may also qualify for a fee waiver to take the ACT. The most common way that students qualify is if they are eligible to receive free or reduced lunch. Email Ms. Lachance at mlachance@wcpss.net or 919-532-5702 for more information.
Looking for SAT information? Check out the College Board website. If you took the PSAT already, you have a log-in.
SAT Waivers: Juniors may qualify for a fee waiver to take the SAT. The most common way that students qualify is if they are eligible to receive free or reduced lunch. Click on the links above for all areas of eligibility. Parents and students, please contact Mrs. Lachance for the fee waiver form. Students (or parents on their behalf) have to self-identify. Please contact her at 919-532-5702 or mlachance@wcpss.net.
Please consider joining the PTSA. Your donations directly benefit students, faculty, and staff at WECHS. For more information on how to join and donate, visit the PTSA website: https://www.wechsptsa.org/. No more sending cash or checks to the school!
Survey regarding what you want to see from the PTSA: (https://forms.gle/VULQWALctomc3Txx9)
PTSA has spirit wear, water bottles, planners, WECHS magnets, laptop covers, and other items for sale! Go to https://www.wechsptsa.org/ to order yours today.
Student Services
Scholarships: Here is the link to our most recent scholarship bulletin.
Pay special attention to some local scholarships.
Financial Aid for College: The FAFSA packages have now been released from universities. For help with anything related to the FAFSA, please contact Ms. Lee. She is available for appointments on Thursdays, and you can schedule an appointment with her here: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/appointments/schedules/AcZssZ2s4hJ5ZtSoMDg1XFeiBOWytTnPT8DU1FqGE24AWKuHCt5wt_r2mDklY6_XIEbZFd_IuhmhY_wo.
Her email address is anlee@wcpss.net.
Wake Tech
Fall and summer schedules are available to view via Self-Service.
Career Development:
Do you have a graduating senior? If so, they may be interested in participating in a free Biopharma program that will pay them to attend Wake Tech, provide transportation support during the training, and offer additional incentives, including a graduation bonus. There are several upcoming info sessions. Employees in Biopharma can earn entry-level pay at $18-$22 per hour, and the basic median wage in this area is $25-$28 per hour for the process technician job opportunity. Click here for more info. Space is limited.
Is your 9th-12th grade student interested in an internship this summer? Would they want to increase their real-world problem-solving, team-building, and leadership skills? District C will be offering students a unique opportunity July 8th-12th. If you want to learn more about this unique experience, click here for more information.
Do you live in Raleigh? If so, your student might be interested in learning more about the City of Raleigh’s Digital Inclusion Program. It’s an excellent opportunity for leadership and service learning. Please click here for more information and to register for the interest form.
Is your student interested in how the environment impacts human health? The UNC Fry Lab offers the Future Researchers for Environmental Solutions and Health Outcomes (FRESH) program. This program includes a one-week camp with hands-on workshops, informative lectures, networking opportunities, and time to work on a project. There is a cost associated with the FRESH camp; however, scholarships are available if the cost is prohibitive. Click here for the application and more information.
The Perry Virtual Experience is a free, 2.5-hour, interactive online experience for high school and college-aged students who gender-identify as female or nonbinary and are interested in pursuing careers in orthopedics and/or engineering. Check out the webpage for more information and the calendar for upcoming opportunities.
Is your student interested in emergency medicine? Would they like to learn more about first aid, CPR, and skills required to save a life? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, please check out the Wake County EMS Club! The club meets on the 2nd Monday of every month. To find out more about this opportunity, click here.
Principal's Reminders
Reporting Threats
By calling the WCPSS Tip Line at (919) 856-1911, anyone can report threats of bullying, violence, aggressive behavior, weapons on campus, or any other potential threat. A specially trained operator will receive the caller’s information and ask for additional information to address the situation.
The 988 Lifeline is a national network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support
Principal Cummings hosts Office Hours/Coffee Chats most Fridays at 8:30 am in person or via Google Meets.
Contact information: email: lcummings@wcpss.net Desk: 919-532-5641 Mobile: 919-398-3451. While I have offices on both campuses, I am usually on the North Campus.