December 22, 2024
A.B. Combs families,
We had a great time on our school-wide movie field trip on Tuesday. We also hosted a group of Raleigh business leaders with the Raleigh Chamber of Commerce at Combs on Wednesday. Our amazing Combs chorus shared their talents on Friday. Leadership is in action every day at Combs! Due to Winter Break, another weekly message will not be sent out until Sunday, January 5th.
Science Fair: We will host a Science Fair & STEM Night on January 22nd (judging occurs during school hours; family STEM night begins at 6pm) All information regarding the Science & Engineering Fair can be found on the school website.
After-School Activities: We are excited to host various after-school paid activities beginning again in January. You can preview information about after-school Tennis, Soccer, Chess, and Basketball classes that will be held here at Combs. LEGO Play Well is also offering after school activities for K-2 and 3-5.
Magnet Tour: Do you know of families who are interested in A.B. Combs for the 2025-26 school year? We have upcoming tours listed on our website.
News from Combs PTA
Please consider joining the Combs PTA! You can also email to find out how to get involved.
We are looking for judges for our upcoming Science Fair on January 22nd. No science background is necessary. Click here for sign-up information
Upcoming School Events (see our school calendar for events for the year):
Monday, December 23rd-Friday, January 3rd: Winter Break
Monday, January 6th: Back to school from Winter Break
Thursday, January 9th: Capital Choral Celebration at Broughton High School
Thursday, January 16th: 3rd grade Night Under the Stars
Friday, January 17th: End of the Quarter; Science Fair Projects Due
Monday, January 20th: Martin Luther King, Jr Holiday-no school for students & staff
Tuesday, January 21st: Teacher Workday- no school for students
Wednesday, January 22nd: Science Fair and STEM Night 6-7:30pm
Please follow A.B. Combs on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Have a wonderful holiday season, and we look forward to seeing our leaders in 2025!
Juley Sexton