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November 24, 2024


A.B. Combs Families,


This coming week is a short week.  We will only be in school on Monday and Tuesday. There will be no school Wednesday-Friday due to Thanksgiving Break.  School will resume on Monday, December 2nd.  


Glow Party 

As a result of meeting fundraising goals for the Gator Gallop, our PTA is hosting a “Glow Party” in which students will participate in a glow in the dark dance party during the school day on Monday, November 25th.  Please have your child wear white or neon-colored clothing for this glow in the dark event in the school gym.


Grade level Spelling Bees

The classroom Spelling Bees took place last week. An email was sent to the parents of all students moving to the next round. Grade-wide Spelling Bee will be held on November 26.


Science Fair Virtual Q&A

Do you have questions regarding the upcoming science fair on January 22nd?  Need to know ways to support your child?  Join us for a Virtual Question and Answer session regarding the A.B. Combs Science Fair on Wednesday, December 4th at 6pm.  Use this virtual link here.


School Wide Movie Field Trip

It is a traditional field trip that we take our entire student body to the movies during the month of December!   We plan to see the movie, Moana 2, on Tuesday, December 17th.  This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to make connections to literature and practice social etiquette skills.  Please submit your child’s permission form and $13 to attend. You can send money to school or pay online.   If you are willing to sponsor a child by donating for the field trip, feel free to submit payment to your child’s teacher.


Magnet Tour

Do you know of families who are interested in A.B. Combs for the 2025-26 school year?  We have upcoming tours listed on our website.


News from Combs PTA

Thank you for the support during the Gator Gallop! The school won a Glow Party and will be held on Monday, November 25th. If you would like to help with this fun celebration sign up here.


Please consider joining the Combs PTA!

You can also email to find out how to get involved.

Upcoming School Events (see our school calendar for events for the year):

Monday, November 25th: Glow Party for reaching Gator Gallop fundraising goal

Tuesday, November 26th: Grade level Spelling Bees

Wednesday, November 27th-Friday, November 29th: Thanksgiving Break

Wednesday, December 4th: Virtual Science Fair Q&A for families 6pm

Thursday, December 5th: Leadership Day

Monday, December 16th: School-Wide Spelling Bee

Tuesday, December 17th: School-Wide Movie Field Trip

Thursday, December 19th: Winter Classroom Celebrations

Friday, December 20th: Winter Chorus Concert at 8:45am and 9:45am


Please follow A.B. Combs on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.  Have a wonderful weekend!


Juley Sexton
