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Updated Immunizations Records
Class of 2023 - REQUIRED Meningococcal Vaccine - Documentation Required by August 15
Students entering the 12th grade in August 2022, should have received one dose of the Meningococcal vaccine in 7th grade.
NC law requires individuals entering 12th grade on or after 8/1/2020 to have a booster dose of the Meningococcal vaccine to attend school.
If your student has not had the required immunization, please contact your child's health care provider or the health department to make an appointment. Also, be sure to either email the updated immunization record to Glaudy Dudley, Data Manager,, or drop it off in Student Services.
If your student has had the required immunization but you haven't submitted their updated immunization record to school, please email, or drop it off in Student Services.
Finally, if your student has had the required immunization and you're not sure that you submitted documentation or if you have questions, please call Student Services. 919-460-3549, option 1.
Students will be excluded from school beginning September 27th if documentation that they've received the immunization is not received prior to that date.