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Dear Salem Families,

Please remember that we start EOG Testing for Track 1 TOMORROW! We hope families can help support us in this endeavor by ensuring students get a good night of rest and are on time for school each morning they are testing!


This just in from Salem’s brand new Garden Club -  Want to be the coolest cucumber in the patch? 🥒 🌳 Support Salem’s Garden Club by donating plants to beautify our common outdoor spaces! Sign up here:  This is a great way to get involved with our school, and help teach the students the joys of getting their hands dirty! 🌼👩🏽‍🌾🥕  Drop off all donations at Mrs. Finch’s AIG Trailer.


End of Grade (EOG Testing) - Dates for EOG assessments are listed below. We ask that all families work hard to ensure that their students are present at school on these days!


Track 1:

May 22 - 3rd-5th Reading, May 23 - 3rd-5th Math, May 24 - 5th Science

May 25 - 3rd Read to Achieve 

June 5 - 3rd-5th Reading Summer Remediation and Readministration

June 7 - 3rd-5th Math Summer Remediation and Readministration


Tracks 2-4

June 14 - 3rd-5th Reading, June 15 - 3rd-5th Math, June 16 - 5th Science

June 21 - 3rd Read to Achieve 

June 29- 3rd-5th Reading Summer Remediation and Readministration

June 30 - 3rd-5th Math Summer Remediation and Readministration


This school year, WCPSS is again conducting district wide End of Grade (EOG) retesting for students in grades 3-5. Only students in grades 3-5 who qualify for retesting AND choose to participate will be attending school on June 5th and 7th for Track 1 and June 29th and 30th for Tracks 2, 3, & 4. You will be contacted by the school directly if you are eligible for retesting AND if you have opted in to test by clicking HERE and completing the form by May 19th .


 If you have NOT been contacted about your child being eligible for a retest, your child should not be on campus on the readministration days.

From the PTA:

Lunch Volunteers! Don’t forget - if you’d like to volunteer to help in the cafeteria during lunch you can click on the link below for more information and to sign up HERE!



Dr. Sarah Oatsvall, Principal


Upcoming Dates

May 26th - Fun Friday (Crazy Hat Day!)

May 29th - No School ALL TRACKS (Memorial Day)

June 1st - Incoming Kindergarten Orientation

June 2nd - Last Day of School (Track 1)

June 2nd - 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony (Track 1) 10:00 - 10:45

June 5th - Field Day (Tracks 3 & 4)

June 9th - Fun Friday (Rainbow Day!)

June 13th - PTA Meeting at 4:15

June 28th - 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony (Tracks 2 & 3) 10:00 - 10:45

June 28th - 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony (Track 4) 11:15 - 12:00

June 28th - Last Day of School (Tracks 2 - 4)