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8/14 Principal's Message

Dear Alston Ridge Families:


Now that we’ve all had our first day of school (each year we have 4 first days of school to accommodate all of our tracks as well as our pre-K and kindergarten students!) we can’t wait to have our school community reunited in the weeks ahead through community events.


To help all families feel confident supporting their child this year, the Alston Ridge faculty will be hosting a Literacy Curriculum Night and Open House events that will give families an experience of teaching and learning in their child’s new grade and classroom. We can’t wait to see everyone!


Literacy Curriculum Night, Thursday!

Thursday, August 17, all families will return to school to spend time with other parents learning about how their child will be reading, writing, speaking, and listening in 2023 – 2024. Families who are not able to attend the curriculum night session in-person may participate through a virtual session on Google Meet (links available on the school website).


5:45 p.m. Doors Open for in-person participation and student supervision

6:00 p.m. Literacy Curriculum Night Presentations (45 minutes, in-person and virtual)


Literacy Curriculum Night sessions will be led by Tracks 3 & 4 teachers. Please RSVP ( by Wednesday, August 16. A second Math Curriculum Night session will focus on mathematics instruction Thursday, September 7. We hope that all families will have the chance to join both Literacy and Math nights.


Open House, Tracks 1 & 2

Families on Tracks 1 & 2 will join their teacher for in-person Open House sessions immediately following the Literacy Curriculum Night sessions. Open House will not include a virtual option—all families will meet in their child’s classroom so that teachers can facilitate connections in the classroom community and introduce how they have been working together to learn this year and what to look forward to for the rest of the year.


6:55 p.m. Open House, Session 1 (Tracks 1 & 2)

7:25 p.m. Open House, Session 2 (Tracks 1 & 2)


The 6:55 p.m. session is repeated at 7:25 p.m. for families who may need to attend more than 1 Open House session for multiple siblings at Alston Ridge. Tracks 3 & 4 Open House will be held following Math Night on Thursday, September 7.


Child Care & Students

To ensure that all families are able to participate in the Literacy Night and Open House sessions, childcare will be provided through our partnership with the YMCA/Cary Teen Council for children ages 2-4. Registration for childcare is required in advance—please Register/RSVP—and school age students at Alston Ridge will be supervised by Alston Ridge faculty.



Online volunteer registration can be completed through the Volunteers page of the WCPSS website: Prospective volunteers will submit to a background check prior to being approved by WCPSS to volunteer. Volunteer clearance may take 2-3 weeks for final approval before a volunteer is eligible.


Families should register as a volunteer to serve as a field trip chaperone for their child’s class, to participate in classroom programs, and to help in the school’s library and classrooms!


Bus Transportation

Traditional calendar schools begin on Monday, August 28 and bus driver shortages across the school district are likely to affect the timing of the Alston Ridge bus routes. Families should register for the Here Come’s the Bus app to track their child’s bus and receive alerts about the route, as well as to receive updates from the school district’s WCPSS Transportation Department about any changes to bus routes caused by staffing shortages. If you are interested in driving a bus:



We look forward to seeing everyone at Literacy Night, Open House and at school in the weeks and months to come. We are grateful for our community’s support and hope you’ll share any ways that we can assist you this school year.






From the Alston Ridge PTA

Stay in the know! Sign Up to receive important information from the Alston Ridge Parent Teacher Association (PTA). The PTA will send information about important events happening at school this year such as Book Fair, Spirit Nights, and Science Fair. Follow the Alston Ridge Elementary PTA Facebook page to get regular updates about school programs and see a full list of upcoming events on the PTA website.