4/10 Principal's Message
Alston Ridge Families:
It is now officially Spring on the calendar and exciting things are happening across our school—thank you to the PTA and all families whose financial support made it possible for an Artist in Residence program with Bharatanatyam traditional Indian dance teacher Ramya Kapadia during the month of March! Furthermore, we appreciate all the parent chaperones who have completed the volunteer registration process and have helped make community field-trip programs beneficial and safe for all students. Volunteer registration is ongoing and the online link above can now be accessed from anywhere for the convenience of families.
Chess, Tennis and Golf
Community-based programs are continuing to expand opportunities for the current school year for our students through after-school programming. The April/May session of TGA Golf and TGA Tennis is now accepting TGA Registration. And, the new Alston Ridge Chess program, in partnership with Triangle Chess, is continuing to accept Chess Registrations for the in-school program.
Panorama Family Survey 2023
Families are asked to please make time to fill out the district Family and Community engagement survey through the Panorama Family Survey 2023—http://surveys.panoramaed.com/wakecounty/family—this survey provides important information to our school and the district regarding the experiences and concerns of all families in the school district. Thank you for your feedback!
Intent to Return
Teaching positions are allocated to schools based on each school’s student enrollment on the 20th day of the new school year. So that we may accurately hire faculty members for the upcoming school year, please complete the information below as soon as possible. We are actively recruiting amazing teachers to grow our school community and this information is important so that we can support and retain excellent faculty: Family Intent Form 2023 – 2024. Furthermore, accurate accounting for our enrollment will ensure that we are able to accommodate enrollment for families who are currently awaiting the chance to return to Alston Ridge as a result of the school’s enrollment cap and state class size limits.
Supply Kits for 2023 – 2024
Annually the Alston Ridge faculty and the PTA partner with 1st Day School Supplies to create school supply kits for the convenience of families and students for the new year. These kits provide a significant cost savings for families. 2023 - 2024 lists and supply kit ordering is available for purchase now until May 31st! Families who choose to order school supplies now will receive all expected school supplies, and materials will be delivered direct to classrooms before the first day of the 2023 – 2024 school year. Families are encouraged to consider whether this direction is simple, safe, and efficient: Ordering Link
Spring Campus Cleanup with ARES PTA, April 15th 9 – 1 p.m.
Thanks to the ARES PTA who will lead a campus cleanup project on the school grounds on April 15th. This is a great opportunity to lend a helping hand alongside other school families, as well as for school alumni seeking volunteer hours for National Honor Society and Junior National Honor Society to pitch in at their original school home. Sign-up to volunteer and join for the morning (or part of the morning) using the ARES PTA Sign-up Genius: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040c44aaa723a1fe3-spring1?fbclid=IwAR2qL-gMfzI7WwgxhnpAeo8KdhrR08mcbNqEZqoY4SiiMG9o-mryoIkySJU#/
Thank you for all of your continued support for our faculty and school community!