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7/7 Principal's Message


Alston Ridge Families:


We are excited to welcome out Grades 1-5 students for their first day of school tomorrow on Tracks 1, 2 and 3. Some kindergarteners will begin staggered entry this week: Staggered Entry. Our teachers especially are looking forward to an amazing beginning to these new classroom communities. Families who have not yet filled out their contact information and viewed their student’s teacher page should please refer to the guidance shared on Tuesday: available here.

Please don’t hesitate to contact our school at 919-544-2474 if you have any questions to make a smooth start to the school year for your student and family.


A few reminders regarding Health and Safety expectations, and Transportation (Arrival and Dismissal).



The health and well-being of every student is our first responsibility. We are confident that working together we can safeguard the health of our students, our families, and our community. WCPSS COVID-19 Safe Return to School Plan includes information on the ways we are working as a district to protect our schools and students.


According to county and state guidance: "Only essential visitors will be allowed on school campuses in an effort to protect the health and safety of our students." Parents will not be permitted to walk students in to school except on the day of kindergarten staggered entry. 



Students who show any signs of illness must stay home. The district provides guidance about when it is Safe to Return.



Face coverings (masks) are required for all students indoors except when eating/drinking. Students should arrive to school wearing a face covering. Please be sure that students know how to wear a face covering properly. It is strongly recommended that families pack 1-2 spare face coverings/masks in a student’s backpack in case their mask becomes wet, dirty, or breaks.


Students may choose to remove their face covering while outdoors; however, it must be kept close to hand to be put back on prior to entering the school building.


Water Bottles

All students should bring a water bottle to school daily, clearly labeled with their name. Water fountains are only to fill water bottles, not for drinking.


Lunch & Snack

Lunch will be eaten in the cafeteria. Students will be assigned seats that provide for a minimum of 3 feet of social distance between them. Although students will be asked to eat quietly for the first 10 minutes of lunch to ensure adequate time to eat their meal, students will be permitted to socialize freely with students near them for the majority of the lunch period. Eating time is 25 minutes for students in Grades K-1, and 20 minutes for students in Grades 2-5. This should limit the time students are in close proximity without a face covering to reduce the likelihood of transmission of COVID-19.


Snack will be eaten in the classrooms or outside. Families should please plan to pack a healthy snack for their student daily. Snack-time will be brief. Students will be permitted to socialize while eating snack.





Students who live in the designated school walk zone (not eligible to ride a bus) are the only students who should be picked up on foot. Pick-up for Walkers will move from the front of the school to the sidewalk directly outside of the school’s Cafeteria—follow the sidewalk from the front door of the school along the brick wall to the rear of the building. Students will be matched with their parents and released. Students in Grades 2-5 can only walk by themselves with written permission, after a parent completes the Walk Zone permission and receives a tag.


Walk-zone families may request a carpool tag and follow the normal carpool procedures for pick-up or drop-off. Transportation changes should be communicated at least 24 hours in advance to the teacher via e-mail.


Due to a gas line repair closing the main sidewalk along Green Level Church Road to the school, families residing in the Bexley Triangle Park Apartments should walk up Fussell Avenue and cross to the parking lot sidewalk immediately before the school’s driveway. Students and families will then be able to walk around the carpool loop to arrive at the front doors.


Bus Transportation

Families who are registered for the school bus should have received an e-mail from WCPSS Transportation in June with the bus stop information. Bus routes are also posted to the school’s website under the Parents tab > Transportation > Bus Routes. Families can follow their student’s bus by registering and using the Here Comes the Bus App for live updates. Students who need bus transportation and have not yet been approved can call the school’s main office to see if a temporary bus pass can be issued until final Transportation approval can be granted.



Arrival begins at 8:45 a.m. Families should wait in the carpool line in the school’s parking lot until waved forward to release students curbside. All car riders should arrive on campus by 9:10 a.m. to be in classes ready to learn by 9:15 a.m. Families arriving at 9:15 or thereafter will be required to park and sign students in at the front doors using an electronic form.


Dismissal carline procedures will change for 2021-2022—vehicles that arrive prior to 3:40 p.m. will line up in a single-file line in the school’s parking lot in the right hand lane. A faculty member will begin double-stacking the carline at 3:45 p.m. No cars should enter or block the left hand lane of the parking lot until released by a faculty member. Vehicles will then advance to curbside in the order that they arrived on campus. Vehicles should follow signage and directions from faculty to maintain safety and order—leaving the line or switching lanes is likely to result in delays.


Carpool Tags

Carpool numbered tags are available from the school’s main office during the school day. They can also be requested through the front office to be sent home with a student. If a family plans to use the carpool process, and does not yet have a carpool number, please help by writing the student’s first and last name, and grade in large lettering on a 8/12 piece of paper to place in the windshield. This will allow students to be matched to cars without a number.


Inclement Weather Dismissal

During thunderstorms or severe weather, carpool will go slowly to ensure student and faculty safety. Only 4 cars will load beneath the awning in the afternoons. Please be prepared for delays during severe weather—thank you for your patience as we ensure student safety.