4/30 Principal's Message
Alston Ridge Elementary Parents:
As we conclude this week, we look ahead to the remaining 7 weeks of this year, and the year ahead with optimism and gratitude.
Thank you for the ways that your family will prepare to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week next week—to acknowledge the important work our faculty has done side-by-side with your family to support a strong and healthy school community that has remained focused on learning, safety, and connection. Thank you for your questions and serious intent with which you make difficult decisions about how your student will learn in 2021-2022 via the Virtual Academy application. Thank you for continuing to take precaution to safeguard our school against the spread of COVID-19.
As we continue forward, a few notes and reminders:
Deadline for Virtual Academy Registration is May 2, 5 p.m.
The registration window for the WCPSS Virtual Academy will close Sunday, May 2 at 5 p.m. Anyone wishing to register outside this window will not be guaranteed a seat in the Virtual Academy, due to staffing and scheduling issues. Register today or learn more. Students and families must commit to attend the Virtual Academy for the entire 2021-22 school year. Students and families who register for the WCPSS Virtual Academy will be required to meet these responsibilities. Additional information regarding the WCPSS Virtual Academy can be found on the WCPSS Virtual Academy website.
A short Q&A session will be held via Google Meet tomorrow, Friday, 4/30, from 2:45 p.m. until 3:15 p.m. for families with remaining questions prior to the close of the Virtual Academy Registration. Families may submit questions in advance: https://forms.gle/uLAKhLtEcqbHLqa6A. A recording will be available afterwards on the ARES website. Families with questions about the Virtual Academy may also e-mail the Principal (nschutte@wcpss.net) for a written response.
Virtual Academy Q&A, 2021-2022
Principal, Niko Schutte
Friday, April 30 · 2:45 – 3:25pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/tcz-ikhw-qqy
School Pictures: May 18 and May 19
Strawbridge Studios will be on campus to take individual photos that will be used to make class composite photographs for each class—both in-person and Virtual Academy. May 18 in-person students will take pictures. Virtual Academy students will be provided a Sign-Up form to register for time-slots on the May 19 asynchronous learning day.
Teacher Appreciation Week
Learn more about how you can take a moment to recognize your child’s teacher and members of our faculty who have made this year of learning possible: https://alstonridgepta.com/
Thank you for your continued support. Remember to always call the school with any questions that we can answer to help you support your student and engage here at Alston Ridge Elementary!