Carpool Procedures

  • JDE Carpool Directions for Parents

    1. Morning carpool runs from 8:45 a.m. to 9:10 a.m. and the tardy bell rings at 9:15 a.m. During the morning carpool, please make sure you drop off your child between the orange cones.  Also, do not speed or pass the other cars in front of you. You can be ticketed. This is for the safety of the students.


    1. Children should NOT be left unattended outside of the building prior to 8:45 a.m. We do not have staff on duty, and they will not be supervised during this time.  Please drop your children off at 8:45 a.m. or stay with them until 8:45 a.m. when they can enter the building.


    1. Afternoon carpool and walker dismissal will run from 3:45 - 4:00 p.m. If you have not picked up your child by 4:00 p.m. or they have behavior issues in carpool; they will be escorted to the office. You will need to park and go into the building to pick up your child.


    1. If you or a designated person (their names MUST be on the student’s Locator Card) comes to pick up a student without a JDE Carpool Tag, you will need to park and go to the office to provide identification to pick up the student.


    1. Please be ready to move ahead in the carpool line. We are very efficient in getting student to the cars.


    1. Be watchful of students as you pull up to the designated spots to pick up or drop off your child.


    1. During both the morning and afternoon arrival/dismissal of students, there will be two staff members monitoring the students opening and closing the car doors. Staff members will allow the students to open the doors unless they require help. Please ensure that students enter/exit the car from the right.


    1. We will be using an iPad to gather the tag numbers for the cars. Please make sure your tag is clearly visible, and do not drive by until the staff member has recorded your number. If you need a new tag, just inform the staff member and additional tags will be made for you.


    1. The students and all siblings should have the same carpool tag number for their duration at JDE. Please let the office know if you need additional tags.


    1. Below is an aerial shot of the carpool flow through the parking lot. When picking up or dropping off your child, you will enter the parking lot from the west on Jones Dairy Road (right hand side as you face the school); turn into the parking lot (left turn); follow the parking lot around and u-turn back toward the road you entered; stay to the left as you turn left toward the playground; turn left down the road in front of the school; stop in front of the gym as directed; exit out the eastern parking lot to Jones Dairy Road.



    Carpool Maps 
     carpool map        carpool

    Students assigned to carpool are supervised in the gym room until their ride arrives.  Students are permitted to sit quietly or to read a book while waiting – Talking is kept to a minimum as it is critical that students are able to hear their number when it is called.

    There are staff members present to coordinate the process of carpool and we must insist that we have the full cooperation of each parent during carpool.  Please be patient with regards to other vehicles/people and please stay alert to ensure the safety of each and every child.  

    With your cooperation, we can complete this process in an expeditious manner while maintaining safety.  

    Lost Carpool Tags
    If you lose your numbered tag, please come to the main office to receive a replacement tag.  If you forget your numbered tag, you will be directed to park and come to the main office. You will be asked to display identification in order for safety and security information to be confirmed.

    Proper Tag Display
    Due to our high volume of traffic in the carpool lane, please do your best to make your carpool tag highly visible. We respectfully request that you place the tag on your mirror upon entering carpool through exiting the parking lot.