Homework/Grading Plan

  • Richland Creek Elementary School 24-25


    School Grading Plan


    In the Wake County Public School System, we are committed to maintaining rigorous performance and achievement standards for all students and to providing a fair and consistent process for evaluating and reporting student progress that is understandable to students and their parents and relevant for instructional purposes.


    The information below shares specific information about grading at our school.  For more information on these practices, please contact:



    The following are school-wide expectations for homework:

    • Homework is a meaningful extension of daily lessons that reinforce, enrich, and extend the curriculum.
    • Homework is not assigned on Fridays.
    • Homework will be given only for skills that have been explained and practiced in class. Homework expectations may vary depending on student ability.


    The following are grade/subject specific expectations for the completion and grading of homework:


    • Homework is not graded, but is taken into account on the Work Habits section of the report card.
    • If independent reading is assigned as a daily component of homework, it will not exceed more than half of the total work time.


    Procedures by Grade Level:

    • Pre-K- Teachers suggest that parents read to their child for ten (10) minutes every day.
    • Kindergarten- A calendar of activities will be sent home at the beginning of each month or week. Homework will require an average of 20 minutes per night including reading.
    • Grade 1 - Homework will require an average of twenty (20) minutes per night and will consist of supplementary reading and a review of skills introduced in class.
    • Grade 2 - Homework assignments should include, but are not limited to independent reading, math, and language arts and should be completed in twenty (20) minutes per night.
    • Grade 3-5- Homework  assignments should include, but are not limited to independent reading, math, and language arts and should be completed in thirty (30)minutes.
    • Special Programs - Assignments are based on the class program and individual student’s needs. Mainstreamed students will follow the procedures outlined for that particular class/grade level and IEP.



    The school’s Homework Plan can be on our school’s website



    Classwork & Assessments


    The following are school-wide expectations for classwork and assessments:


    • All students are continually assessed to determine their progress and mastery of concepts. Benchmark assessments  (MClass (K-3), STAR Math (3-5), NC Check-In (3-5), NKT (K-2), BOG (3)) will be aligned with state/district standards and administered during the designated testing windows. Parents will be notified of student progress and scores.
    • Common Formative Assessments will be aligned to quarterly standards and administered each quarter.
    • Classroom assessments will be given periodically and will be based on pacing guidelines given by the district.
    • Dreambox lessons will be required for each student 4-6 a week. Students are encouraged to participate in reading resources through myOn accounts.


    Progress Reports will be issued at the midpoint of each grading period for every student.




    Richland Creek Elementary follows the WCPSS standards-based grading system.


    Level 4- Student consistently demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the standards, concepts and skills taught during this reporting period.

    Level 3- Student consistently demonstrates an understanding of the standards, concepts and skills taught during this reporting period.

    Level 2- Student is approaching an understanding of the standards, concepts and skills taught during this reporting period.

    Level 1- Student does not yet demonstrate an understanding of standards, concepts and skills taught during this reporting period.



    The following are grade/subject specific expectations for the completion and grading of classwork and assessments:

    • Students are continually assessed to determine their progress and mastery of grade level curriculum.  Students will have three opportunities to master an objective through various avenues: informal and formal assessments along with classwork.   .
    • Report Cards are to be sent home at the end of each quarter as determined by the district reporting cycle.
    • At least two (2) conferences are scheduled with each child’s parents/guardians during the school year (fall and spring).
    • MClass (K-3) and  STAR Math (3-5) will be sent home three times per year.




    Missed Work


    The following are school-wide expectations for missed work:

    • If an absence is approved in advance, all work, including tests, are due upon the student's return to school. Teachers may use discretion and may make exceptions in the case of students whose excused absences were beyond the student's control.
    • If make-up work is not assigned in advance, for absences of one (1) to three (3) days, the student will have one day for each day absent to complete the work.. For absences exceeding three (3) days, the student may have two (2) days for each day absent to make up work. Special consideration will be given in the case of extended absences due to injury or chronic illness.
    • Assignments/assessments must be completed by the final day of the quarter in order to inform report card grades.



    The following are grade/subject specific expectations for the completion and grading of missed work:

    • All grade level expectations follow the school wide plan above.


    Prevention-Intervention Plan

    For students at risk of academic failure, our school utilizes the Multi Tiered System of Support framework to promote mastery of literacy and math standards.


    The following are school-wide expectations for how we support prevention-intervention efforts:

    • Grade level PLCs meet with administration and the instructional facilitator to review data to determine if all students are successful with core instruction. Students who are identified as below benchmark through the triangulation of data points will be supported with research based interventions..
    • Once universal screening assessments have been completed at the Beginning of the Year, Middle of the Year, and End of the Year benchmark window timeframes,  teachers will analyze data to determine students who may be at risk.  For students not meeting benchmarks according to WCPSS guidelines and benchmark requirements, additional digging deeper assessments will be administered to determine student individual needs. Plans will be implemented, reviewed, and monitored  to meet those needs.


    The following are grade/subject specific expectations for prevention and intervention:

    • Each grade level is assigned a case manager that serves on the intervention team.The case managers meet with the grade level PLCs once a month to review data and to ensure prevention/intervention steps are being followed with research based teaching strategies. . 




    Extra Credit


    Extra credit is not provided; however, teachers will work with students to provide multiple opportunities for improvements. Standards are assessed for mastery of skills/content.